Turtlesaur: ah you guys are talking about honey. Turtle likes honey. Turtle once spilled a cup of hot (more like boiled) coffee on his stomach and it was really really ugly, that part of my stomach looked like the fat guy from Blade move.
i used (a lot) of honey, but it was all homemade and not a single scar was left. But it was 100% homemade, because a friend of mine umm.. brews(?), keeps, whatever, bees and hes investing a lot of time in it. He even moves them like 6 times a year so they can get better food... or something. But yeah its by no way comparable to market s$/#" that only smells like honey.
either way, ever since then i keep some honey at home and i like bees. a lot.
yeah, turtle that likes bees. deal with it.