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skeletonbow: Hmm, so if I understand correctly it would describe things that are high enough on the scale to avoid defenestration, but only by a narrow margin rather than overly so? :)
Turtlesaur: no, not that high. On a scale of 1-88 Id say 65-68 would be its upper range, but yeah other than that you got it right.

besides, there are other ways to avoid defene...tanations. thing.
So is it pronounced 'prih-tee-stick or prih-'tih-stick? The latter has a nicer ring to it I think. :)
Turtlesaur: showoff, we get it you know a few fancy words. I do too ! So now im gonna say something fancy.

Luminous images are very pretty...stic. prettystic. I bet that one is new to you, probably because its not very popular yet (im pushing it though).

Prettystic :
English(?) word that describes things that are somewhat pretty but not pretty enough to be called pretty.
skeletonbow: Hmm, so if I understand correctly it would describe things that are high enough on the scale to avoid defenestration, but only by a narrow margin rather than overly so? :)
You guys are giving me headaches with all these difficult words. Now I'm off to take some acetylsalicylic acid to cure my headache....
iangold: What are people's guesses for when there's only one fresh deal left? A surprise game at -90%, a freebie during the time it takes the other one to reach zero copies? Or an ugly glitch/hole where the second game used to be.?
skeletonbow: No idea what they WILL do, but what would be funny is for them to put up 20000 copies of Jack Keane 2 at $11.99 each or something like that just for another laugh in the ongoing saga of Keanlitude. ;)
We already had LoG stall for 6.5h, so by the end of the sale we may surpass Keane, possibly several times, if they keep to these numbers. We'll really need new words then :))
toxicTom: Thanks for the awesome work!
No problem. I will be managing the lists till Sinistar returns, or till Insomnia ends (whichever comes first).
iangold: What are people's guesses for when there's only one fresh deal left? A surprise game at -90%, a freebie during the time it takes the other one to reach zero copies? Or an ugly glitch/hole where the second game used to be.?
skeletonbow: No idea what they WILL do, but what would be funny is for them to put up 20000 copies of Jack Keane 2 at $11.99 each or something like that just for another laugh in the ongoing saga of Keanlitude. ;)
I'll kill them if they try to steal the one who was gifted to me by foxworks (thank you again!).
thk47: Thanks Rakkora, wish you'll have a wonderful time playing a Bard's Tale with your Sons :)
I just got back home from work then I checked gog that's Drox Operative come up on sale clicked buy button and there are a critical hit message appear :D
Rakkora: Gratz as well on your crit on Drox!!

I'm only just downloading Bard's Tale right now (about another 20 minutes or so to download) and then I'll be enjoying it with them.
That's a great game. :-)
Wow. So Keaning going on. I slept for 8 hours and only missed one game on each side.
Mini Giveaway Riddle Nr.3


Which tabletop game first defined the Hack'n'Slash genre?



Hint: magic

Edit: And giveaway finished. Winner: RWarehall
Post edited March 07, 2015 by Matruchus
Grargar: No problem. I will be managing the lists till Sinistar returns, or till Insomnia ends (whichever comes first).
Terminator Cats obviously need no sleep :-)
toxicTom: And as an added bonus (good) honey has antibiotic and anti-fungal properties.
The_Blog: Their is a reason why they smeared honey over wounds a few centuries ago ;)
Handling a hot lawn-mower engine

Self bandage with honey, lavender and tea tree oils

The result? No scar and swift healing! I had a minor scar on the edge of my hand where I failed to apply it properly. That was the worst burn I have had, and it was continuing to cause intense pain for hours afterwards. It provided a great comparison of the difference between the wound treated and untreated.
Tarnicus: Soundtracks have been removed from GOG games? Oh that is shite :( Can you think of any off-hand? Hopefully I downloaded any I own before that happened.
skeletonbow: GOG added some FLAC soundtracks to a whackload of games last year but some people did an analysis of the audio and discovered that some of them had been converted from MP3 or other lossy source into FLAC. GOG most likely received the soundtracks like that and were unaware as anyone, but once they found out they removed those flawed soundtracks from the given games which was the right thing to do because they were not what people would expect them to be. I think there may also be a case or a few cases where they may have had to remove a soundtrack due to licensing problems of the developer/publisher also. I don't have any reference links though, just vague forum memory imprints. :)
Ah I remember reading about that, thanks for the clarification :)
Post edited March 07, 2015 by Tarnicus
Matruchus: Mini Giveaway Riddle Nr.3


Which tabletop game first defined the Hack'n'Slash genre?


Matruchus: Mini Giveaway Riddle Nr.3


Which tabletop game first defined the Hack'n'Slash genre?


SortaSane: Warhammer?
Nope, a bit older then that. Hint: initially a rpg.
Post edited March 07, 2015 by Matruchus
Good morning all! Oh, I see grimrock finally came down. Yay!
MarkoH01: "Dust - An Elysian Tail" [...] Even the DRM-free version of the game does have German Text in it and the GOG version does not (I asked in the forum).
Oh, Dust and the mess with the languages... I initially started to play it on my PC (German system) and I'm pretty sure everything (text) was in German. Then I decided that I wanted to play it on my laptop (Spanish system) instead and everything was Spanish. I tried everything... I changed the region settings to Germany, I deleted the Spanish files, I renamed "es" folders to "de", ... After an hour of messing around and reinstalling, I ended up with a weird mix of English and German :P
Crewdroog: Good morning all! Oh, I see grimrock finally came down. Yay!
It took only 6.5 hours :)