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Man, this sale - and especially this community - made me buy 4 or 5 games where I only wanted to grab freebies. My Wishlist is growing steadily - think I will switch my shopping to GOG mostly. Love you all, folks! :D
MarkoH01: Absolutely right. Even if you believe in the good in people you also have to accept that not everybody really IS good. So everytime you gift you are at the risk of gifting to somebody who does not deserve it. But still why stopping? The feeling you get by helping someone who REALLY wants to have a game and cannot afford or missed it is worth the risk I think.

Thats being said - who really wants a gift key for "The Inquisitor"?
LiefLayer: I would like to play it
Please don't take this the wrong way but given the fact that you already have received a few giftcodes I'd rather want to wait a bit if somebody who hasn't been so lucky comes along. If nobody wants it I will give it to you - is that all right with you?
Tarnicus: I have really enjoyed listening to this radio station so far, especially the Chiptunes. Cheers for mentioning it again :)
The_Blog: I highly recommend the VVVVVV soundtrack to you then. The album is called PPPPPP. I really like the track "Positive Force".
Ha, seconding that, who doesn't like positive force. Well among those that played VVVVVV. Recommend the droid version of the game as well if you own a tablet. Even a cheap one like mine ran it perfectly.
I have just learned the dangers of this sale. No, not the danger of impulsive buying, but the danger of being struck by indecision. I was on the fence about dragonfall last night, but it being late made me fall asleep. Now, I wake up to The Legend of Keanerock and Hammerwatch. Also, good morning everyone!
LiefLayer: I would like to play it
MarkoH01: Please don't take this the wrong way but given the fact that you already have received a few giftcodes I'd rather want to wait a bit if somebody who hasn't been so lucky comes along. If nobody wants it I will give it to you - is that all right with you?
Tarnicus: I have really enjoyed listening to this radio station so far, especially the Chiptunes. Cheers for mentioning it again :)
The_Blog: I highly recommend the VVVVVV soundtrack to you then. The album is called PPPPPP. I really like the track "Positive Force".
If you like this game from Terry Cavanagh you should take a look at (imo) his masterpiece "Super Hexagon". Each game usually lasts about a few seconds only (especially your first tries) but you are into hours of gameplay pretty much. Less than a game more like a drug for me - even it it seems to be unmanagable at first. Hey, he shows how easy it is himself:

Edit: And it's also chiptune soundtrack.
Post edited March 07, 2015 by MarkoH01
Matruchus: Grimrock 4 hours 30 minutes now.
I didn't expect that at all. Heaps of keaning in last 16 hours... I hope that the Insomnia Sale will continue until the end of round 3...
The_Blog: I just found this yesterday and I thought I might aswell share it here since it might come in handy. I already posted this yesterday here but since many were asleep then I thought it makes sense to post it again. This is not meant as promotion or anything! :)
The site Rainwave is basicly a internet radio for video game soundtracks.

Tarnicus: I have really enjoyed listening to this radio station so far, especially the Chiptunes. Cheers for mentioning it again :)
If you like Chiptunes you should listen to Slay Radio.
Matruchus: Grimrock 4 hours 30 minutes now.
xep624: I didn't expect that at all. Heaps of keaning in last 16 hours... I hope that the Insomnia Sale will continue until the end of round 3...
Oh, it definitely will. The question that remains is how many days that is :)
The_Blog: Thanks for your kind words. I really hate attending funerals :/
It is a way to say goodby, but I would rather do that on my own without standing in a small crowd of people for 3 hours. Not to mention the extremly depressing mood.

I am not 100% sure myself, but I guess she had a happy life although not an easy one since she was born in the early years of the war. She lived quite passive and secluded in year last years since her husband died, but she was always happy to see us.
Matruchus: The war generation is a bit different then other people. I see it always in my old german Uncle (born early in the war) (Suddetendeutscher) but they do live very fullfiled lives since they have gone through hell very early in their lives.
As this is a topic being discussed with multiple people remembering special "old folk" in their lives, I will share something I wrote on these forums last year when my last remaining grandparent died. Here is my farewell to him. I miss the old bugger and will be thinking of him and his love and teachings when on my sojourn :)
PalioDeMonte: Man, this sale - and especially this community - made me buy 4 or 5 games where I only wanted to grab freebies. My Wishlist is growing steadily - think I will switch my shopping to GOG mostly. Love you all, folks! :D
Welcome to the DRM Free revolution, another one converted and recruited for the cause by GOG. ;)
Oh I guess a few, maye a week :)
Tarnicus: The generosity from many in this community, especially during the Insomnia sales, creates a wonderful atmosphere, and it isn't worth letting a few rotten ones spoil all the fun :)
MarkoH01: Absolutely right. Even if you believe in the good in people you also have to accept that not everybody really IS good. So everytime you gift you are at the risk of gifting to somebody who does not deserve it. But still why stopping? The feeling you get by helping someone who REALLY wants to have a game and cannot afford or missed it is worth the risk I think.

Thats being said - who really wants a gift key for "The Inquisitor"?
Every single human I have met is a combination of a subjective perception of "good" and "bad". I really like what you wrote as it shows a deeper understanding of human nature and this funny path we are all on called life :)
Senteria: Glad I managed to buy hammerwatch on time.
Soccorro: Sarcasm? :D
Good morning everyone :)

Things seemed to have slowed down a fair bit, I'll perhaps just keep checking back on my phone occasionally throughout the day rather than stay glued to the computer. A very good thing considering the weather today is glorious. Isn't this time during the run-up to spring just wonderful? :)