amok: and are copyright laws...well... laws?
As the name implies, probably.
But i'm not sure i see how that matters. There are laws on the books in New York for example making it impossible to own firearms, while the constitution says your rights shall not be infringed, blatantly making such laws unlawful and when challenged in the supreme court they get struck down.
It then turns to constitutional rights vs laws, and the constitution is what i'd prefer to follow over innumerable laws.
There are enough laws that you can probably fill a semi-truck and still have more. That is impossible to know and follow them.
Then you have the government who just handwaves it away, like the patriot act where they can arrest and detain you for an unlimited amount of time without trial or jury. Or with Snowden that shows the mass surveillance going on in the country without warrent as they just scoop up data under systems like PRISM.
Then you have things like Civil Forfeiture where in locations they can confiscate your belongings without trial, putting your 'possessions' under trial for things that are blatantly stupid and silly.
If you are to have laws, you should have a handful like the 10 commandments, enough to be able to memorize and follow innately. Or something small like a 200 page book that gives you all the laws/rules you need to follow.
Then you have congress who no longer handle making and passing laws federally; instead passing it off to some external agency or group. I hardly consider those proper as they haven't gone through the proper system. (
Though i'm sure state laws continue to be done mostly correctly.)
Saying something is 'law' to me has about as much value as the currency, which at this point is something like 1/500th the value it used to be, and if it goes much further it will be more useful as toilet paper than legal tender.