lukaszthegreat: I like tv series more than movies.
I'm the other way around because I feel too many TV series are kind of aimless, with no real direction. They just keep inventing new stuff on the fly and prolonging the story. This isn't a real issue for TV series where every episode is pretty much self-contained with its own story and there is merely a weak, if any, connection between the episodes (House, CSI, Knight Rider, whatever), but I mean TV series which are supposed to have some real direction (Lost, Under the Dome, The Walking Dead, what have you...).
Anyway, I feel I have too little time to watch TV series. I don't watch much more on TV nowadays but news (just to get a quick summary what has happened during the day, even if news can be obtained online as well), and if some movie seems interesting and I haven't seen it yet.
I feel kinda guilty if I am wasting my free time watching TV, instead of playing some PC games I've meant to play for a long time. :D Sometimes I do both at the same time, playing something on my laptop on the couch, and occasionally checking if whatever is going on TV looks interesting. If the TV program seems so interesting that I need to concentrate on it, then stop playing for the time being.
Oh, Fargo's first season was pretty interesting though. Not sure if they have shown any later season(s) here.