Wishbone: Love Actually
About Time
The Breakfast Club
Dead Poets Society
OK, The last three on that list I have seen, and have regrettably forgotten to add those to my list. However, I have not seen Love Actually or About Time, it looks like I have something interesting to watch now!
JDelekto: Actually, when you say "feel-good" movies, if you mean movies that have good replay value...
drealmer7: I think it means movies that instill/leave you feeling in good spirits. Replay value is something else entirely.
Real Genius is a good one!
zeogold: Before I changed my comment, it originally said ">inb4 somebody jokes and says 'Saw'". I changed it because I didn't think anybody would actually do it (or that just my saying it would make somebody do it). I was wrong.
drealmer7: I would think porn movies would have been the go-to jokes rather than the opposite "feel bad" types, but apparently not!
Dazed and Confused
Sweet and Lowdown
I believe that I chose "Real Genius" because I was in college at the time and I found it very inspiring. While I wasn't building a laser-powered "death ray" (which you can do with some Fresnel lenses and a sunny day), tackling calculus, physics and electronics were quite the struggle, especially while I was still wanting to spend time on my old 99/4a.
Me and that TI go back a few years further though, when my parents bought it for $59 at a Sears fire sale. There was even a time while we (the family) were all around that CRT reading and offering ideas to play Scott Adams' Adventure!