Gonen32: It's ok. Played it for the first time a month ago and was kinda disappointed.
While trying to stay loyal to the great "smart" fps's of the late 90', it uses several modern mechanics that cancel its good points (like the broken see trough walls power*).
- Too much gold, not a lot to spend it on (boring upgrades anyway)
- Wanna be a pacifist ? That's ok, you have 2 lame powers and weapons for that. Killers are the ones that gonna have fun.
- Highlighted objectives are a bit of a turnoff. I want to explore and figure things myself*.
- May be a bit of a nitpick but I don't like that letters and books (etc..) are all displayed in the same game menu-ish way instead of some ingame design like in Thief or Deus Ex.
- I feel there's a wasted potential with the world and lore.
- You can't posses a whale. I want to posses a whale and wreck havoc. WHY U NO LET ME POSSES WHALE ?
I just hope the sequel will be better.
*Yes I know that I can choose to not use it and disable the highlighted objectives, but I'm not a masochist and its a crappy excuse, I want to play the game as designed.
yeah it's more focuses on the killing side of things.