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On the plus side, if this developer ever develops some "judicial skills", he may be able to make a little cash suing RPS for defamation...
It sounds like it's a similar issue to the Gears of War PC date problem.
I call it an insurance.
Usually publisher screw developers.
I think there is a game on gog with a review that how publisher didn't paid the developers and how they abandoned that game. I think it was about topware interactive.
I guess not every developer can appoint a lawyer, file a case and then win it along with their game rights.
Like developers of Shadows: Heretic Kingdoms did.
So I guess developer did the right thing.
Now publisher can taste their own medicine.
sunshinecorp: There's already a fix they say, so no real harm done to any customers. As the developer is reported to say:

“They owe me a s***load of money according to our contract. But I don’t have any leverage because my judicial skills are zero. I haven’t had a meaningful communication with Oovee for many months (maybe a year).”

I see this as a way, albeit kind of a brute force way, to bring this predicament into light. He's exposing the publisher to a lot of people, getting free publicity for his case. It's not that dumb, if you think about it.
Both the Dev and the publisher refute the claims of sabotages.

The story seems hype up to get more clicks.

The Devs don't know he is interviewed by the author of Euro gamer when he give his response

And the publisher claim they are not not contacted by the press before reporting the news.

A lie can run around the world before the truth has got its boots on.
Wishbone: *sigh*

A lie can run around the world before the truth has got its boots on.
Witness the power of the clickbait.
Post edited March 03, 2016 by Grargar
and here i thought the point of Kickstarters were NOT to get into bed with ANY publishers? ;)
Another case of lousy DRM pissing in the face of legitimate customers. Yo devs & publishers, is it fun spending time and money for pirates (thats DRM) and only having your legitimate customers complain?

That shit could only be more hilarious if they had Denuvo on it protecting the faulty DRM code from getting fixed :D
Niggles: and here i thought the point of Kickstarters were NOT to get into bed with ANY publishers? ;)
Nope. They're just to get paid in advance before you ever have to do anything. The goal is your salary for the duration of the project. :P
Niggles: and here i thought the point of Kickstarters were NOT to get into bed with ANY publishers? ;)
Sadly the almost all of game kickstarters cannot get enough funds to avoid outside funds completely. Not every crowdfunding is StarCitizen.
"...buggy time-related piracy checks in the game are responsible for the persistent crashes..."

Ah, DRM. DRM never changes.
timppu: Hmmm, maybe GOG's curated approach to patches has some redeeming values after all... :) Also remembering how GTA: San Andreas (I think) got downgraded on Steam by the publisher, by removing soundtracks and downgrading graphics options.
I remember that. I think the only legit copy now is the original ps2/xbox version.
Wishbone: *sigh*

A lie can run around the world before the truth has got its boots on.
Boots? The motherfucker didn't even have pants on!
Wishbone: Does anyone read anything besides the OP? It didn't happen!
Lol, prepare yourself for other 100 posts just about the OP..