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Azhdar: What a dumb decision. That developer only discredited himself and his future games. Many gamers don't trust him anymore.
Wishbone: Does anyone read anything besides the OP? It didn't happen!
How are we supposed to get first post if we do that?
Wishbone: Does anyone read anything besides the OP? It didn't happen!
HypersomniacLive: Of course not, this is the Internet after all.
Indeed, folks are lucky to be able to see the posts at all through the various stains on the screen from the internet's primary purpose.
Post edited March 03, 2016 by hedwards
Wishbone: Does anyone read anything besides the OP? It didn't happen!
HypersomniacLive: Of course not, this is the Internet after all.
Yes, but it's also the community. This used to be a hotbed of thoughtful, well-informed, civilized discussion. I guess "used to be" is the most significant part of that description.
Wishbone: Does anyone read anything besides the OP? It didn't happen!
hedwards: How are we supposed to get first post if we do that?
That was more intensely illogical than anything I could have come up with. Sir, I salute you :-D
Post edited March 03, 2016 by Wishbone
HypersomniacLive: Of course not, this is the Internet after all.
Wishbone: Yes, but it's also the community. This used to be a hotbed of thoughtful, well-informed, civilized discussion. I guess "used to be" is the most significant part of that description.
It did. I found quite a while ago that there wasn't much point in reading things thoroughly or anything like that because enough other people weren't.

Increasingly I see people who ought to know better just completely disregarding points being made. It's kind of depressing.
I am just so glad we don't have these half-finished products here...
nightcraw1er.488: I am just so glad we don't have these half-finished products here...
Funny, I thought I saw games that were early.......err games in development being sold here. In fact there is a nice large banner for one on the homepage. Hard to miss actually.
nightcraw1er.488: I am just so glad we don't have these half-finished products here...
While I appreciate your attempted dig at the In Development games, its a bit of a stretch in this case. SpinTires was released almost two years ago: June 2014.
nightcraw1er.488: I am just so glad we don't have these half-finished products here...
hummer010: While I appreciate your attempted dig at the In Development games, its a bit of a stretch in this case. SpinTires was released almost two years ago: June 2014.
So your saying this game is finished, nothing further happening on it, for the best part of two years, and no-one noticed or bothered? That seems even worse, why did the store not stop selling a damaged product?
nightcraw1er.488: So your saying this game is finished, nothing further happening on it, for the best part of two years, and no-one noticed or bothered? That seems even worse, why did the store not stop selling a damaged product?
So your saying that once a game gets released there can never be patches or updates?

The problems were apparently introduced in a patch released in December. Because they were date related, no one had a problem until quite recently.
Post edited March 03, 2016 by hummer010
nightcraw1er.488: I am just so glad we don't have these half-finished products here...
synfresh: Funny, I thought I saw games that were early.......err games in development being sold here. In fact there is a nice large banner for one on the homepage. Hard to miss actually.
Where? Where? I can't see it. Maybe it doesn't exist for me... ;)
nightcraw1er.488: So your saying this game is finished, nothing further happening on it, for the best part of two years, and no-one noticed or bothered? That seems even worse, why did the store not stop selling a damaged product?
hummer010: So your saying that once a game gets released there can never be patches or updates?

The problems were apparently introduced in a patch released in December. Because they were date related, no one had a problem until quite recently.
No, patches and updates are ok once in a while. I didn't realise that it was from a patch, only going on what you posted. Personally if I was the publisher I would remove the product or fix it, and then sue the developer for damages. Mind you the developer has probably got a job design the next round of DRM.
nightcraw1er.488: No, patches and updates are ok once in a while. I didn't realise that it was from a patch, only going on what you posted. Personally if I was the publisher I would remove the product or fix it, and then sue the developer for damages. Mind you the developer has probably got a job design the next round of DRM.
Supposedly it wasn't intentional. We'll probably never know the full truth. Either way, both the dev and the pub say, not intentional and a fix is in the works.

It wasn't very good DRM though. there was a user-created patch available very quickly. Really, it was a perfect illustration of what is wrong with DRM. It was easily beat, and the people impacted the most were the paying customer.
DRM savin the day yet again!
Timebombs are sometimes insurance policies for the dev. I've heard before of a SQL programmer for a database that knew he was getting laid off soon, and suspected his company would bad mouth him. So he hid a time-bomb in the code. When he couldn't get hired within 2 months the time-bomb went off and destroyed the whole database. Had he gotten hired he'd have hinted at a specific line to comment out which would have prevented the data's destruction.

You know, things just happen when you treat people poorly.
Post edited March 03, 2016 by rtcvb32
high rated
hedwards: [...]

Indeed, folks are lucky to be able to see the posts at all through the various stains on the screen from the internet's primary purpose.
Yikes! I don't even want to know what exactly this means.

Wishbone: Yes, but it's also the community. This used to be a hotbed of thoughtful, well-informed, civilized discussion. I guess "used to be" is the most significant part of that description.

Ah good, for a moment there it looked like you thought this is still the old good community it used to be.
Gnostic: Sadly the almost all of game kickstarters cannot get enough funds to avoid outside funds completely. Not every crowdfunding is StarCitizen.
Niggles: MY understanding of KS were funds needed to start and complete the goal. Im wondering how many actual devs have completed games without going third party sourcing or crawling to early access?.
There are a few, like the devs of Forced and Shovel knight, at great sacrifice and personal cost.
For Forced devs, they move in illegally in University Classroom and stay there 7 months before they are found out.
They rised 65K on kickstarter and still need to take a 200K bank loan. The rest of the struggles can be easily seen in the funny story picture
Shovel Knight Devs got 300K when they need 1.44 M under normal condition because not only for salary, but health insurance rent, electricity, water, food/snacks, conventions, computer and other equipment, software licenses, lawyer fees, taxes, development kit expenses etc
One of the team take no pay and the rest have half pay.
They even plan to cram 2 years development time into one year, but end up 5 month without pay because after one year they cannot release a satisfactory build.