to publish as a book.
-If you want to read the whole story, here is a copied version. Timboli, I am confused of what you mean by summary of the story? Do you mean to explain what we wrote?
-Copied version of the story:
Once a upon a time, a new guy stumbled upon a new forum game. However, it didn't happen as it was intended to be. I made a program many years ago, called Tall Tales. It kept the words of all others hidden, except for the number of words at the end of their portion, that was agreed upon to display. Each player had the program, and an encrypted file was passed around, and only the originator had the password. At some point, it was decided the story was finished, and the full story printed out and read by all ... usually to much hilarity. As a youngster I used to play this game with others, using a piece of paper, which you folded over and the next writer only saw one or more words to continue on from. I can remember laughing so hard sometimes my belly ached. You passed the paper around the circle of writers until full. Of course, one of the key funny things was making fun of other writers involved, especially by setting up someone else to do so with their portion. Those were more than 5 thought the guy named Lifthrasil. who have 4 arms and a singing fedora, was wandering between all the four arms and suddenly there was more. Timboli felt crashed, lost even when a giant panda emerged, wearing a shirt emblazoned with "Free the Penguins or die". Then someone approaches and say: "The universe just blew up!" Another stranger inserted himself, "But which Universe, seven or nine?" "Seven of Nine, of course!" "Not Nine of Seven, surely?" "I think you had enough." Begin at the beginning and notice how it starts. Dear Grandson, would you like some special brownies with that milk? Sure grandpa, but is that a tank in your garage? Yes, an M1-A2 Abrams tank that I used to destroy ants, worms and little puppies that were mutated by radiation. It was the best of times. but I have some regrets only about the little puppies as they made more mess. A darkness consumed the land, that was called, Ruse Blose. Ruse Blose is not what dark and grim but more of a disjointed tale than an actual accounting of facts. Leaving the general population in general disarray over some details. Those details were fake news, but nonetheless all to damaging to publish as a book.
Post edited April 01, 2021 by JocktheLock1