LaPtiteBete: Ho really !!! >:-|
That explains the mess in my mail...
Aaaageeeent !!!! >:-O
He is too busy waxing his legs for his secretary costume. :-)
AgentBirdnest: Err.... uh... shmunblegu... hr....
Where is Soccorro? He can vouch for me!! ',',',',':-O
Well until he does, you are in big trouble. :-)
akhliber: Hello there! I hope you're feeling a bit better today. I just read about your experience with that doctor... how appalling! I'd say I'm baffled that he has a license to practice medicine, but I've come across some doctors who have done some really unacceptable things, not just for a professional, but for a human being. I guess it's going to be true of any profession, there's going to be some real assholes. I may not be one to wish harm or punishment on anyone, but I certainly hope he loses his medical license and his job. Holy cow.
Sarge is being so strange this morning. He usually hangs out here in my office/computer room with me in the mornings, but he went into the living room a little while ago. I figured I should just start giving him some freedom around the house, as he's mostly stopped wildly attacking furniture and other things he shouldn't for chew-fests. I just check on him often when he's not nearby... so after about 15 minutes, I went to check on him. He's just relaxing in his kennel out there, on his back, looking up at the ceiling. He's looking all around, as though he sees things I can't. I can't help but to be incredibly amused by the idea that my dog and I both have hallucinations. ;)
I'm about to make another pot of coffee, if anyone needs any!
Apart from the usual stuff I have given myself an even bigger headache due to me staying on the forum for so long. I didn't want to be rude and not respond to people, so I have been forcing myself to stay online for longer.
Dogs can be very strange at times. I hope he is okay and just enjoying his new freedom of the house. No coffee for me, I don't like the stuff. :-)
I think I had better call it a day. I have pushed myself too much staying online for so long and I think I will regret it later. But it was nice chatting with you all again. I hope you all have a lovely weekend!
*hugs and waves*