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j0ekerr: Google tells me that Meridian is at best a mediocre game. A RTS with balancing problems. A good work for an indie developer, but not enough to be a good game.
Developer? Was it just one person? It looks quite good for a single person project. It does seem to have its issues, but as you say, for an indie developer it looks nice. I wonder why he/they have never fixed the balancing issues. Surly they are just numerical elements that can be easily shuffled about. But maybe not, I have no real knowledge of game development.
I've read about your issues with that hellish doctor... I hope he'll have the punishment he deserves... >:-| ... (would it cheer you up a little if Agent and I burn his car to the ground ?)
LaPtiteBete: I've read about your issues with that hellish doctor... I hope he'll have the punishment he deserves... >:-| ... (would it cheer you up a little if Agent and I burn his car to the ground ?)
l0rdtr3k: What's with the miner hats?
They're not miner hats ! :D these are safety helmets.
Because we're supporting Sachy's cause...
superstande: Many Strenghtenings and All-Bad-Things purifying Wishes for you, DD!
Sorry my English (actually all usage of languages) has gotten a bit strange... perhaps it's the soon 4 weeks of no beer that's causing it :p

By the way, have you checked out .. there's Meridian, which is supposedly an okay RTS... haven't played any of them myself...

Anyhow don't forget your vitamins and good food!
that goes for all of you forumites! ;)
ddickinson: Hello!

Why no beer for 4 weeks? Are you trying to give it up?

I saw the weekly bundle. I remember reading some bad things about the Meridian game, but I have never really looked into it closely.
Ah yeah maybe Meridian is a bit risky then...
My beer break was an idea I had when I spent one saturday with people both familiar and not, we were all drinking... visited several places... ended up seeing a lot of not-so-nice behaviour. Thought like uh, I gotta get out of this partying thing... Why not try to take a long break, see if I can ;) also because I save money, and can use it to go traveling with my wife... She was also getting a bit annoyed with me coming home late on weekends. I guess I'm trying to teach some people I know that you can have lots of fun without drinking too ;)
LaPtiteBete: I've read about your issues with that hellish doctor... I hope he'll have the punishment he deserves... >:-| ... (would it cheer you up a little if Agent and I burn his car to the ground ?)
l0rdtr3k: *shakes Owl* WHAT'S WITH THE MINER HELMETS?!
and don't yell at me or I burn you to the ground !! >:-\
ddickinson: I am glad to hear you are enjoying the game. I know many people are very happy with how the game turned out, despite the issues with the downgraded graphics and the simplified controls. It's nice to hear that a developer is still willing to put a lot of passion into a game, rather than just a broken mess designed to look pretty but offer no real gameplay.
I can't understand the complaints about "downgraded graphics". It's easily the best-looking game that my machine can (barely) run. And the devs stated in an interview why they had to switch engines.
As for the controls. IMO they are not simplified, but rather more complex than the second game (with the Full Combat Rebalance Mod at least). If in a hard fight you have to juggle evasion, counters, parrying and attacking whilst also casting signs (spells) and throwing the occasional bomb, you really have your hands full. I could complain that the default keyboard layout is a little counter-intuitive and clumsy (if you don't have huge hands), but with a little experimenting I found a layout I can comfortably live with.

For me the biggest strength is how the world comes to life with all the little stories, and there are literally hundreds of them. Sometimes a few lines of NPC banter you can overhear, telling i.e. of a sad love story or a grandpa telling a scary monster story to a kid by the fire, up to the "big" stories - some of the side-quests are as big as other RPGs main quests and where I am now they nicely entangle with the main storyline.
And it's most impressive how they managed to combine open world and story-telling in a good way. That's really a tough thing to do and something that i.e. Bethesda hasn't managed ever since Morrowind.

ddickinson: It is amusing how people are with things. I always enjoyed being told that I can't be in a relationship with my partner as we both look like women. Apparently to some guys one of us has to have short hair and be quite mannish. Then there are those that ask that since we are both just normal women then who is the man of the relationship. Which has always been a very strange comment to make. If we wanted a man in the relationship surely we would be with a man and not each other? I guess for many people they stick to the usual stereotypes, just as many people think all gay men are flamboyant or wear leather. Not that some aren't, but not everyone is the same. I have not heard the term "bull dyke" before, but then I am not really up on the terminology. People are just people to me, no matter who or what they are. Is bull similar to butch? Or is it some kind of super mega German butch lesbian, one that is so butch she is a bull? :-) (Sorry for the bad joke.)
Ironically the one lesbian couple I know better is like the cliché... one very stout and sturdy, shorthaired and resolute, the other a "fair maiden", fragile-looking and very pretty ;-)
Of the many male gays I've come to meet over the years there's the full range: lots of "I-wouldn't-have-guessed" but also the "walking cliché", flamboyant or very feminine demeanour.

All of them very nice people I have to say. I don't doubt the rainbow people have their share of assholes, bitches and douchebags too, but maybe the (still prevalent) intolerance towards them and their fight for acceptance makes them more open and friendly people on the average.
l0rdtr3k: What's with the miner hats?
LaPtiteBete: They're not miner hats ! :D these are safety helmets.
Because we're supporting Sachy's cause...
Yes that's what we are doing! (*wonders what Sachy's cause is..*)
okay I confess... those avatars just looked so cool I followed ;)
l0rdtr3k: *shakes Owl* WHAT'S WITH THE MINER HELMETS?!
and don't yell at me or I burn you to the ground !! >:-\
*picks up Owl like an icecream cone*I DON'T KNOW WHAT WE'RE YELLING ABOUT!!!!
ddickinson: True, but then people with his kind of attitude are never really smart people. :-)

It is amusing how people are with things. I always enjoyed being told that I can't be in a relationship with my partner as we both look like women. Apparently to some guys one of us has to have short hair and be quite mannish. Then there are those that ask that since we are both just normal women then who is the man of the relationship. Which has always been a very strange comment to make. If we wanted a man in the relationship surely we would be with a man and not each other? I guess for many people they stick to the usual stereotypes, just as many people think all gay men are flamboyant or wear leather. Not that some aren't, but not everyone is the same. I have not heard the term "bull dyke" before, but then I am not really up on the terminology. People are just people to me, no matter who or what they are. Is bull similar to butch? Or is it some kind of super mega German butch lesbian, one that is so butch she is a bull? :-) (Sorry for the bad joke.)
Well, we have the german word "Kampflesbe" (literally: fighting or battle dyke), and my program said "bull dyke" is a correct translation. It means something like 'lesbian agressively promoting her sexuality, hating men and being terribly political'. She looked like a butch, though.
On the other hand, most lesbians I know look - well - like women. Sometimes like short haired women. What else should they look, unless they really go drag?
LaPtiteBete: I've read about your issues with that hellish doctor... I hope he'll have the punishment he deserves... >:-| ... (would it cheer you up a little if Agent and I burn his car to the ground ?)
Why just his car? I think you have become complacent while I was away. :-)

superstande: Ah yeah maybe Meridian is a bit risky then...
My beer break was an idea I had when I spent one saturday with people both familiar and not, we were all drinking... visited several places... ended up seeing a lot of not-so-nice behaviour. Thought like uh, I gotta get out of this partying thing... Why not try to take a long break, see if I can ;) also because I save money, and can use it to go traveling with my wife... She was also getting a bit annoyed with me coming home late on weekends. I guess I'm trying to teach some people I know that you can have lots of fun without drinking too ;)
If the game interests you enough, maybe give it a try, especially given the price. Some people sure love the game. The bad reviews were enough to put me off, but I am quite picky with games due to my backlog and limited gaming time.

Good luck with your cutting back on beer. I hope you are able to spend a lot of good time with your wife and that you find it all beneficial for you in the long run.

toxicTom: ...
I think some people just felt betrayed and that it was a console port, rather than a full PC game. Who knows, gamers complain about the most silly things. They will complain about the Witcher 3 graphics, but rave about some horrible "retro" 2D games graphics.

The Witcher games look fun, but the newer ones are beyond my old little systems capabilities. I have yet to try the first game yet, so no point looking at the third until I have tried the first two.

I am sure you do know the more cliche couple types. I did not mean to imply they did not exist, or that there was anything wrong with them. I just meant that not all are the same, and that there are many who look like regular women and people would have no real way of knowing they were in a relationship, just as with some of the gay men you mentioned. There are definitely jerks in the gay community. At the end of the day we are just people, like anyone else. So you will find the same jerks as you would among you strange regular folk :-). At the end of the day, as long as people are happy and doing no harm, I don't care who or what they are, how they looks or dress, or who they love.

But on a more serious note, and going back to my original comment. Are "Bull Dykes" super butch German lesbians? :-)
superstande: Yes that's what we are doing! (*wonders what Sachy's cause is..*)
okay I confess... those avatars just looked so cool I followed ;)
That's the other good reason :D
I don't like lesbians because that means there are less beautiful women left for me.
Hi DD, welcome back sweetie. :-)
*huge but gentle hug*
LaPtiteBete: I've read about your issues with that hellish doctor... I hope he'll have the punishment he deserves... >:-| ... (would it cheer you up a little if Agent and I burn his car to the ground ?)
ddickinson: Why just his car? I think you have become complacent while I was away. :-)
Maybe a swift kick in the nuts as well? (Speaking of which, has anyone seen Soccorro? :-p)
I'll be off in a few minutes, and call it <span class="bold">WEEKEND!!!</span>

Have a nice one, everybody :-)

*hugs and waves all around*