j0ekerr: As cool as that sequence fact, with all the comic book science in it, (seriously building a particle accelerator in your garage) I was ultimately disappointed by it.
Because... it...
wasn't VIBRANIUM! My inner (and outer) nerd screamed in rage.
I don't recall them actually saying what it was, just that it was "a new element." Common fan-canon is that it was vibranium. I really wish my Marvel movies weren't all in storage, because I'd love to go watch IM3 again now.
I just wanted to say that it's good to see you back! I've only skimmed through the last few pages, as I see that - as normal! - this group has been quite talkative lately, but I see you've been having health problems again. I very much hope you get a decent doctor this time around and that the prior one(s) get what they deserve for being less than professional. *gentle hugs*