NoNewTaleToTell: What do you think about Ronin? I've seen it around and it looks interesting but I've never really gave it a second look.
Yeah, I guess this is what you would call the "lore-dump" area of Fran Bow. It's not a particularly bad section, the intro and early parts of it are actually really interesting, it's just that once the lore dump is over you're left in a large area to flop around in with no direction, trying to solve a puzzle by finding items. This type of section is a pretty common problem with point and click adventure games in my experience.
The worst part of the Risen 2 bug is that it's a "talent" that makes reloading your pistols faster. The default pistol take around 20 seconds to reload and the talent (Left Handed) is supposed to "significantly" reduce that time, but it didn't for me. Firearms seem to be the way to go because 1: firearms do more damage, 2: you can't really block animals/creatures and 3: you can "action roll" away from literally everything with no reason to worry and reloading is just a cool down instead of an actual animation.
I've only played through the first few levels of it, but it's interesting so far. You run around in normal side-scrolling fashion, breaking into places, jumping around and what-not.
But when you're in non-stealth combat (stealth combat being a prompt to click the icon so the enemy dies instantly),
it shows where enemy attack paths are, and you have to maneuver your character with a combo of jumping and grappling hook use to keep out of the way of attacks that kill in one hit while positioning your character to get sword swings in.
Sounds like exploration to avoid a feel of too much linearity, the always fun part of checking everything, grabbing everything, trying to combine everything.
Great. Not only is it bugged, but that talent seems fairly important. You'd think someone would have noticed that during quality testing.
Additional - Starting to doze off, time to sleep. Have a good night. =)