NoNewTaleToTell: Dishonored can be a ton of fun when you're not doing the ol' "sneaky pacifist" play style. The telepathic AI just makes sneaking a pain sometimes... I know I've whined about that exact same thing before...but still :P
Shadowrun: Hong Kong is almost finished downloading, so I'm stuck on thinking about what character I wanna build. In Returns my character was a Elf Riflewoman, in Dragonfall she was a Human Mage. I'm gonna go out on a limb and say that it'd still be pointless to make a Rigger, and the series (thus far) isn't exactly multi class friendly, maybe I should make a melee focused character?
Gaming aside, today has been a decent day, and my work hours are back to where they were previously, with the added bonus of having an easier shift, so that's cool.
How are you all doing?
Full combat is almost always more fun than stealth. Lots of games try, but fail to do it properly.
I'd say to avoid rigger for now, it might end up feeling a bit...redundant.
Not really a fan of straight melee, but you might be able to make it work.
Glad to hear things have stabilized at work. =)
Still waiting for the sale, in between sweating my ass off. Watching stuff on Netflix because it's easier than playing a game.