ElTerprise: You know...i'm actually eating the cheap stuff from Aldi but it's okay - it's a shame that dark chocolate is not popular though....i mean 80% Cocoa...tough but yummy :D
Wowza! Most chocolate here is in the 10-15% cocoa range.
A few years ago, Hershey changed the recipe in some of their bars here, and didn't have enough cocoa to be legally labelled as milk chocolate. So the wrappers were changed to say "made with
I'm a dark chocolate convert :-p
CarrionCrow: If your helmet is made from Triscuits, I'm probably going to eat every part that hasn't had direct contact with your head.
^^ ... I buy these cracker helmets in packs of 10 for $2.89. *tosses a couple over*
What do you think the chances are of the sale finally starting tomorrow? It's gotta be either tomorrow or Thursday, or next week :-p