Posted May 09, 2016

Can't complain here. Just had a bite to eat, now it's switching between games and videos.
Yay for having the attention span of a methed-up ferret. -laughs-
Hope you and yours have had a good weekend as well.
I'm about to watch a bit of teevee myself (though I can't decide between wrapping up season 1 of Fargo or wrapping up season 1 of Fear the Walking Dead. I've got 3 episodes left of the former, 1 of the latter.)
As for gaming, I had a little tiny taste of Mercenary Kings last night, and it seems like it will be a perfect fit for couch co-op time with the lady, if I can get her into it. I'm never sure which games she'll take to (we have some very different genre preferences and such) but this one is just so easy to pick up and play. But... it's not easy. Holy crap, it's not easy. Probably because I just suck in general, but holy crap. Speaking from 20 minutes only, I'm guessing it's going to be a tough one.
Finishing up a CD of homemade music a friend sent me (we made music together in our youth, and he's still a musician... i never really was, just pretended for a short while) and writing some responses to it, then it's on to some television and likely another pot of coffee to help round out the night. :)