akhliber: Thank you! *really big return hug* It's been a very eventful week, a bit of a roller coaster of a weekend, so I think it's just a bit of residual stress keeping my brainparts from slowing down quite enough. I'm getting closer by the hour though now, that I can say for sure. I just hope I see the nap coming before it happens. ;)
I truly hope you're feeling better yourself. I saw in the thread just recently you weren't doing too well, but I couldn't seem to break out of lurker mode and make my fingers do type-type stuffs. I was thinking of you though, and I hope things are improving for you!
Though I've been stressed and sleepless, I can also say I see things getting much better for myself in the future... been in one of those "realize too much about yourself at once" phases in life, but it's given me a lot of perspective I'd been needing. :)
Thanks, Akh. Much appreciated. I actually
am feeling better today, yes. My recent complaints seem to be medication-related, which kinda sucks because my doc and I agree that I
really shouldn't stop taking it. For now, I just need to wait for this stuff to pass, which thank(hope)fully, it seems to be doing.
I hate those phases you speak of, but I guess if you can find something good out of it, then it's a great thing. I usually just realize too much about myself, and
keep realizing it without doing anything about it, which I don't think is what you are supposed to do :-p
*big sleep-inducing hug* ;-)