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toxicTom: *Crushing hugs*

Hope you are well. I already lamented a few posts above, so just don't you ask. But following Stilton's advise I'm now reasonably tipsy and forgetting my worries 'til tomorrow.
Hooo... Tom.... :-(
I'm sorry to read you 're going through some rough times now... I hope things will get easier for you wife, and your lovely family, soon...
(but happy you could forget them for the rest of the evenight though) ;)
so you do'nt drive ? would it bother you to have to get a car and drive ?...
**Big comforting hug**
Hi again, girls, boys and blobs. ;-)

Get yourself a longboat, Tom, they're much better than cars!
AgentBirdnest: A bit tense here, too. After the recent shooting(s), terrorism, immigration, and gun control are being debated more than ever. And with the election in less than a year, politicians are being extra dickish than usual.
Christmas always brings concerns now - the biggest Christian festival of the year and the streets filled with shoppers. Scary if some losers lets loose. There was an idiot a couple of days ago yelling about Syria and attacking people in a London tube station with a knife. A couple of blokes got stuck in and kept the fool occupied until the police arrived, who tastered him. He was going to attack some children, apparently, among others. A total dickhead. Dickish politicians, you have those too, hm?
Post edited December 08, 2015 by Stilton
AgentBirdnest: Yes, that's more than something. That's everything ;-)
A bit tense here, too. After the recent shooting(s), terrorism, immigration, and gun control are being debated more than ever. And with the election in less than a year, politicians are being extra dickish than usual.
And I'm doing good this evening :-)
Hum... I sympathize. Unfortunately I don't think it's gonna get better...
At least you're doing good !! :)
**Big hug**
Stilton: Christmas always brings concerns now - the biggest Christian festival of the year and the streets filled with shoppers. Scary if some losers lets loose. There was an idiot a couple of days ago yelling about Syria and attacking people in a London tube station with a knife. A couple of blokes got stuck in and kept the fool occupied until the police arrived, who tastered him. He was going to attack some children, apparently. A total dickhead. Dickish politicians, you have those too, hm?
I saw that. Good Gog... No one was killed, correct?

Yes, many dicks in charge, just like the rest of the world. Please tell me we are not the only country with a TV reality show host currently in the lead for our next president?
**Big hugs you two too** :)) hihi
Stilton: Hi again, girls, boys and blobs. ;-)
Hey there. =) How's it going?
Stilton: Christmas always brings concerns now - the biggest Christian festival of the year and the streets filled with shoppers. Scary if some losers lets loose. There was an idiot a couple of days ago yelling about Syria and attacking people in a London tube station with a knife. A couple of blokes got stuck in and kept the fool occupied until the police arrived, who tastered him. He was going to attack some children, apparently. A total dickhead. Dickish politicians, you have those too, hm?
AgentBirdnest: I saw that. Good Gog... No one was killed, correct?

Yes, many dicks in charge, just like the rest of the world. Please tell me we are not the only country with a TV reality show host currently in the lead for our next president?
One of the two blokes ended up with a five inch slash across his neck and a 56 year old commuter received serious stab wounds, but he's stable and in no danger as I understand it.

Politicians seem to have their priorities all skewed these days. They're all so afraid of saying the wrong thing that in the process they're failing to do what's right. What makes these people think they're good enough to lead? Beats me.
Stilton: Hi again, girls, boys and blobs. ;-)
CarrionCrow: Hey there. =) How's it going?
Doing good here. Trying to persuade Tom to get a longboat instead of a car. I don't rate my chances, unsurprisingly.

How's it with you?
Post edited December 08, 2015 by Stilton
Good night everybody :) see ya tomorrow ♥
Empress_Owl: Good night everybody :) see ya tomorrow ♥
Sleep well, Owl. :-)
Post edited December 08, 2015 by Stilton
Empress_Owl: Good night everybody :) see ya tomorrow ♥
**Big goodnight hug** Sleep well, my Empress.

I think I'd better go too. Silly newly-promoted General Birdnest just sent an entire division to take a hill with no artillery support. He needs sleep before he makes another big mistake ;-p [/playing Ultimate General: Gettysburg (thanks, ElT)]

Goodnight everyone!
Post edited December 08, 2015 by AgentBirdnest
Stilton: Doing good here. Trying to persuade Tom to get a longboat instead of a car. I don't rate my chances, unsurprisingly.

How's it with you?
That'd work for a change of pace, at least.

A bit low on energy. Lack of sleep's trying to catch up. Other than that, it's digging through games, trying to decide what to get next, if anything.
Empress_Owl: Good night everybody :) see ya tomorrow ♥
Goodnight, Owl lady. Sleep well. =)
AgentBirdnest: I think I'd better go too. Silly newly-promoted General Birdnest just sent an entire division to take a hill with no artillery support. He needs sleep before he makes another big mistake ;-p [/playing Ultimate General: Gettysburg (thanks, ElT)]

Goodnight everyone!
Doing things unconventionally could be fun. Equip your troops with nothing but stale bits of bread, watch them win a major battle, and glory is yours forever. ;)

Have a good night. =)
Post edited December 08, 2015 by CarrionCrow
Empress_Owl: Good night everybody :) see ya tomorrow ♥
AgentBirdnest: **Big goodnight hug** Sleep well, my Empress.

I think I'd better go too. Silly newly-promoted General Birdnest just sent an entire division to take a hill with no artillery support. He needs sleep before he makes another big mistake ;-p [/playing Ultimate General: Gettysburg (thanks, ElT)]

Goodnight everyone!
Sleep well, General. Hope it turns out OK...:-)
Night Owl, and Agent. Cowabunga other dudes.
Stilton: Doing good here. Trying to persuade Tom to get a longboat instead of a car. I don't rate my chances, unsurprisingly.

How's it with you?
CarrionCrow: That'd work for a change of pace, at least.

A bit low on energy. Lack of sleep's trying to catch up. Other than that, it's digging through games, trying to decide what to get next, if anything.
I just looked at the timer and was about to say I'd appreciate a six hour turnaround instead of twenty-four, but I'll change that to I'd appreciate all the sale items being on view all the time. We've hit that stale, arse-dragging point, I think.
EndreWhiteMane: Night Owl, and Agent. Cowabunga other dudes.
Cowabunga, Greench. :-)
Post edited December 08, 2015 by Stilton
CarrionCrow: That'd work for a change of pace, at least.

A bit low on energy. Lack of sleep's trying to catch up. Other than that, it's digging through games, trying to decide what to get next, if anything.
Stilton: I just looked at the timer and was about to say I'd appreciate a six hour turnaround instead of twenty-four, but I'll change that to I'd appreciate all the sale items being on view all the time. We've hit that stale, arse-dragging point, I think.
EndreWhiteMane: Night Owl, and Agent. Cowabunga other dudes.
Stilton: Cowabunga, Greench. :-)
Cowabunga there Viking dude.
(It's pretty funny said in the right voice)

Just got done playing plumber and electrician, and I didn't even get the two mixed up ala Three Stooges.
Woo woo woo woo woo