superstande: Good Morning, Crow! :)
There seems to be sales all around...
From what I read about Rebel Galaxy here and elsewhere, it seems it's not my kind of game... so whether there's bugs or no isn't an issue any more :)
I was hoping for a slow-paced stuff... more like the old Elite or Frontier... But it seems there's lots of action and a good, but not too deep system... If I can believe IGN's reviewer...
Well, there's always Privateer that I still haven't even learned to play properly yet :)
Good morning. =)
Oh yeah, there are. It's not hard to end up with a huge pile of games to play.
Interesting. I thought it was going to be more exploration-based, but lots of combat definitely works. Give me a solid story that explains why I'm going from point A to B, with some goodies at points C through T if I feel like grabbing them, and a decent system of helping me get stronger so I can leave flaming enemy wreckage in my wake, and I'll be happy.