ElTerprise: Uh how i love the generalising.....thank god i'm Hamburgian rather than German :)
Well it is really interesting although i haven't really started reading about post-growth etc....but i'm curious and look forward to the results of that seminar :)
Sounds really promising - and i also want to go there when i finally visit England (whenever that will be :) )
You say that, but we all know Hitler was a Hamburgian. You just tried to blame it on the Australians. :-)
I have only been to Germany once, and that was on a river cruise. It was not a nice experience, due to some of the locals being quite aggressively homophobic to me and my partner. But the place looked lovely, even if I can't remember the name of the city off the top of my head (my memory is terrible at the moment).
Stilton: Your free spiritedness come through in your posts - you speak your mind and that's a good thing. You tease, too, which is nice :-) (cardboard horns, indeed...) They were my daytime horns - its the ones I use at night which are scary :-)
What day is your partner's birthday? It'd be freaky if it was the same as mine. I share mine with Bram Stoker, which considering the way I turned out (horror mad) could hardly have been better. Do you get into Halloween? It can be great fun. I started my diet of films on Saturday night and should have about twenty under my belt by the time the 31st rolls around. And then we lucky Brits have Guy Fawkes Night. This really is the best time of year for me. I love the season and I love the way the year winds down.
You're lucky to have someone you fit so well with. Sharing the things you do and loving each other's company makes life so much nicer. The ups are often more up and the downs less down. A good relationship is like a portal to somewhere you haven't seen or been before, and it can literally sweep you off your feet sometimes.
I'm sounding like a soft southern Viking now, aren't I... :-)
*soft and wimpy southern Viking hug*
I tend to get a little worried with the teasing, just in case people take it the wrong way, especially with it being an international forum. But I hope that most people on the thread know that none of us ever mean anything in a bad way, it is just playful banter, and most countries are okay with that. As for speaking my mind I just find that the best way, although being honest and open can have it's problems now and then. Normally I find it easier to just be be honest and speak our minds, as long as a bit of tact is used.
So you share your birthday with Dracula :-). My partners birthday is no the 8th, but a few days later. We do normally love Halloween. Usually we dress up and enjoy a nice party with friends. Last year and this year will be an exception, last year we were in London, and this year we will be somewhere down south. We love to wear costumes that go together, as long as they look nice, with just the right amount of allure to them (i.e. not too slutty :-)). We are not really big movie watchers, but we do sometimes visit one of my brothers who loves having old Hammer Horror era movie marathons during Halloween. And then we get Guy Fawkes night. Where we behave like civilised Protestants and burn the hell out of an effigy of a Catholic. :-)
I am indeed very lucky, I think that all the time. I met my partner at college and we have been madly in love ever since. She is my soul mate, the other half to make my soul whole. It was love at first sight, and I am glad to say it has stayed that way for as long as we have been together, and god willing it will always be like that. She is my whole world, and I will always be happy while I have her, no matter what life throws at us. (See, we Northerners can be just as soft. But then when it comes to my partner I am just a big softie. :-))
It is nice that you are a big softie viking. We like you that way. :-)
*big Viking hug*
Edit: I will stop with the soppy and romantic stuff, I know some don't like it. But blame Stilton, he got me talking about my partner and I always get soppy and romantic when talking about her. :-)
Edit 2: Sorry if anything I wrote makes little sense, I am still not able to concentrate too much at the computer due to the migraines and things. Plus recently I have a habit of going off on tangents.