mickdee47: Patch costlier than game
I am running Wild Hunt version 1.06...the latest version is 1.10
Now to update would cost $170 (downloading 17GB of patch).
That's twice the price of the game itself.
What's more the expansion Hearts of Stone would run on version 1.10 only
and that's another 4.4GB download which is $44
So ...for me to play the expansion which I prepaid for would be to fork out
at least $214
As I am new to gaming...I did not expect this at all...am I missing something
or all gamers have to suffer this?
Sounds like you're on a "pay as you go" or something similar internet plan? That's definitely not ideal for gaming (or watching videos online, etc).
If you're gonna be gaming or doing anything data heavy like streaming videos (like Netflix) or music then you'll probably want to look for a plan that gives you unlimited data. If Australia is anything like the U.S. then you'll probably want to look for home internet instead of mobile internet, for unlimited data.
genkicolleen: Just a heads-up, folks -- Someone is pretending to be me, right down to the avatar >_< S/he is calling him/herself GENKIC0LLEEN (Note that that is a zero in the name, not an "O") which wouldn't work here on the forum, but sure as hell looks like me in the PM's! Make sure that if you're talking to "me", you've got the original! ;D
I'm doing really well. Super-happy with my new job, spending a lot of time with my family, and actually *playing* my games whenever I get a chance~! Doesn't leave me much time for the forum-life, of course, but ya know~ ;D
Another identity stealing scammer? This is way out of hand, yeesh.
Glad to hear you've been doing well! I've been working on my backlog this year too rather than buying tons of new games, it's a slow go but oh so rewarding.