Posted June 10, 2015

Fortunately mine pass within a few days. I also have been using Hydroxyzine, which is safe/non-addictive and seems to take the edge of things a bit.
Haven't tried that one. I must admit, the words "antihistamine" and "antipsychotic properties" make me nervous. I tend to not do well with those.
Right now, some talk with friends, a handful of strawberries, and maybe a nice hot shower are my prescription :-| (self-prescription)

Sorry about your rough morning :-(
I hope things will improve quickly...
Thanks for the kind words :-) ...
Are you also a bit disappointed by today's deals, or is it just me ?... :-|
Thanks. I'll be okay... I'm improving little by little. Keep those frowns off my screen, alright? ;-)
A bit disappointed, yes... The FPS Icons are a great bunch, though. I haven't played SiN, but the rest are must-plays for anyone who likes the FPS genre. I'd recommend Blood 1 and FEAR 1 to anyone :-)
Post edited June 10, 2015 by AgentBirdnest