EndreWhiteMane: Aloha all, some nice titles coming.
Tales and Walking Dead I've wanted for a while now.
Good evening. =)
Already have the latter on a rental, and since my responses tended to amount to "Is a zombie going to eat that person? Awesome! I didn't like them anyway!", I can't see myself buying it again.
Tales, though...That one looks interesting.
Ixamyakxim: So I'm about to settle in for some video games and a beer or two before calling it a night and I just had to share. I cracked open one I've been dying to try because it was just so damn odd - a habanero beer. I pour the thing into a glass and bring it to my nose and before I even get it within six inches I can literally smell raw hot peppers. Oh shit I'm in for a ride. I was expecting subtle background notes but this thing is clearly going to be a full on hot pepper assault. Sip - I can taste almost nothing of the base beer. My tongue is tingling and it's all hot pepper. Not quite like dipping tortilla chips in hot sauces or anything but enough to get my lips burning a tad. I actually feel like having some chips and salsa and / or hot sauce now LOL. I would never get this again but I'm glad I got to try it and share with anyone who sees this here ;)
A few more sips as I'm typing and this one might be going down the sink. It's just too much. I don't know who in their right mind buys a six pack of this and I'm glad I held off until I found a store just selling singles LOL!
Sounds interesting, but it also seems like the brewer went for a one-note experience - the now cliched mini-fireball reaction.
If you want habanero-type heat with actual flavor, habanero Tabasco comes to mind. They cut it with fruits to help give it more of a taste while retaining its pain level.