j0ekerr: I feel spiteful, acerbic, annoyed and contemptuos and filled with an overwhelming desire to punch any mouth that spouts Darwin-award levels of stupidity. The TV is on, so I have no shortage of that last one, which doesn't particularly help my current mood except in exacerbating it.
I wonder if this is how Crow feels ̶a̶l̶l̶ most of the time?
And I think most of this is due to me attempting to play Dark Souls 2 again.
It's a piece of crap, an overrated, foul, frustrating spiteful, noxious and malevolent piece of crap shat from the bowels of the same people that invented tentacle porn.
This feeling is further enhanced by having played the original Dark Souls just recently and finding the clunky, nerfed and idiot changes in the near perfect combat mechanics impossible to deal with without a desire to kick the developers in the nads repeatedly, with steel capped boots, until their groin region become a fine red mist.
In short;
They dun goofed! Why make such a long wind-up animation for an attack that allows you to move to the side in an attempt to dodge out of the way, only for the bloody enemy to simply spin on its axis (without animation frames) when it brings its weapon down to hit your character squarely in the face?
And that's not even the worst of their fuck ups.
But what annoys me most is the way people desperately claim it's a great game. It's like the avatar movie all over again. I'll admit it's not that bad in and of itself. But when you compare it with the other souls games, it's utter disgusting shite.
EDIT: Adam Sandler is on the TV in the living room right now. MY HATE KNOWS NO BOUNDS!
Hold the salt j0ekerr or else you'll get high blood preasure.
But yeah,compared to the first game,DS 2 is pretty bad.