ZenWan: Editing to add - I also dislike the sun, and I'm also (mostly) polite - you sound like just the kind of tourist I'd like to see here. Feel free to visit any time. :-) And, btw, the coffee is very good, although strong, makes your teeth chatter a lot sooner. Wine's good too, if you're a wine drinker, as I am. i somehow always end up in wine-producing countries, suits me very well.
CarrionCrow: Maybe some day when I actually have more coin in my pocket.
Spend some time near the ocean, relax, then hop another plane to the UK for one of Adalia's pizzas so he doesn't have the hassle of mailing one several thousand miles. ;)
I'd probably have to try the wine if the coffee will make me hyperactive that much more quickly.
Would just have to be careful to not drink to excess, given my petite frame....-stifling hysterical laughter-
ZenWan: Wow, that was a speedy reply, you even missed my edit. Another member of the procrastination club here, we seem to have a lot in common, even if it's just the bad stuff. ;-)
CarrionCrow: I did at first, but I'm playing catch-up fairly well this morning. =)
I'm usually better about it, but I'm honestly not in the mood to burn discs, so I'm dragging my feet a bit.
You'd certainly stand out here, most Portuguese in these parts are pretty short. You'd have to bring lots of spare clothes and shoes, not much to be found in sizes for 'petite' frames. ;-) Just how tall are you?
I hear you re burning discs, a boring job, to be sure.
Best thing is to get Adalia to set up a pizza place here, I'm sure he'd do very well.
adaliabooks: Morning all!
How is everyone?
Good morning to you. :-) Just talking about you and your wonderful pizzas - see above.
ZenWan: Wow, that was a speedy reply, you even missed my edit. Another member of the procrastination club here, we seem to have a lot in common, even if it's just the bad stuff. ;-)
ElTerprise: Oh...i know procrastination...it got me into trouble at university the last semesters ^^
:-) I think I was so good at it that I almost took a degree in procrastination, but I kept putting it off. ;-)