moonshineshadow: *welcome waves for adalia and Hyper*
*hug for Crow*
*hug* or *wave* Soccorro? I admit I forgot which group you are in :D
Hope you are all doing fine?
*will be back later to read replies, need to go and make Mousse au Chocolat now* :D
Doing okay here, have fun making tasty sweet stuff. =) (And just as I think I've burned out on sugar...)
CarrionCrow: Good morning. =)
Can't complain here. Fought off the temptation to just start babbling to no one while the thread was dormant, that's always good. -laughs-
How about you, any big plans for the day?
HypersomniacLive: It's cold and pouring, so my plans for outdoors activities are down the drain. Haven't decided yet what to do instead.
Why resist? We're going to read your posts later, and flood you with replies at a time you'll already have forgotten that you posted about something. ;-)
Crap timing for the weather. Was hoping it'd stay sunny for you for a bit after all the rain and wind.
-laughs- I do enough babbling, really no need to open the floodgates on that.
You all might end up reading it, so I still shouldn't bore everyone to tears with it. ;)
Figure I'll just get some sleep instead.
Hopefully you'll have a good day despite the weather going sideways on you and messing up your plans.
And of course, a good morning/afternoon/evening to everyone else as well.