The contest may have ended already (why not post the contest on the news section on the frontpage?) but it won't hurt to share the first gaming moment that comes to mind, right?
So, it was 1998 and the Carmageddon II craze was all over the place; on one side the great qualities of the game and how addicting it is, on the other side all the relevant newsposts like "..this game will turn our children to terrorists and will consume their souls with that evil soundtrack" and all that sh¡t that were circulated in the news. Having just received my first PC as a present (because "it is the future"), it was only natural that i wouldn't miss the opportunity to see what all the fuss was about.
Well, as you would expect i really liked the game, in fact so much that one day i wanted to take it with me on my buddy's house to have fun together, but instead of taking the original disc to avoid scratching it (!), i thought it would be a good idea to just copy the game's shortcut to a floppy disk. Last minute test to see if it worked (it did, wow nice!!!) and i was on my way to have some fun. And as you would expect, the fun never came along; what an awkward moment it was when i clicked on the shortcut and wondered why it didn't work...
Well, even though nowadays i'm fairly knowledgeable in all things computer, still to this day the joke's on me. ;)