jamotide: snip Reason for what? What are you talking about?
snip ... no, that articles critique is not methodologically well made, it is terrible: snip
snip Huh?? Why would you accuse me of that, ... snip
snip snip Why would you want to convince me of that?? WTF
Let's see... you asked literally:
"I ... wonder why you complain about propaganda ... Why does it matter? ... Does that matter? ... snip snip" So I answered you... context matters and the reason it matters is that facts can be manipulated, without being outright lies. Ergo propaganda. Chomsky's cherry picking matters because it misrepresents the truth. We'll get back to this when I detail the specific accusation I'm making at you and seems to be puzzling you.
Then, we have your selective quotation, "a la Chomsky", of the SSC reviewer. And we also have ET3D commenting what they thought of the review. I invite everyone to read the link and see for themselves who is being more truthful. Your quote is factually true, but it misses the context to the point of being a misrepresentation of the review. Alas, as I decried satirically, earlier, most people don't care to check - especially context in the gotcha culture we live in. We rather make our minds based on personal sympathy and disgust reactions. We are social animals, we humans.
Now, I accuse you because you clearly have read the specific example of misrepresenting the factual reality around the Laos coup. And given this reply of yours - going all in so to speak - I will actually go to the effort of pointing out you misrepresented the misrepresentation. This is what you said and I let slide so far:
"So C&H talked about a timeframe after north vietnam invaded Laos. Why does it matter?" Emphasis mine.
Now I invite anyone to go read the extensive quotes provided in the review and make their own mind. Here's what I recall. There was no distinction between the timeline of Vietnamese invasion and the anti-communist coup in Laos. The two were pretty much simultaneous, ergo, Chomsky elided the context that the anti-communist coup by elements of Laos military happened in the context of a foreign invasion by a communist country! Not "after"... as if the invasion was over already and the two were disconnected. That this kind of context obviously matters is precisely what you seem to not get. And further not get that Chomsky is maybe, just maybe doing "it" on purpose for some "strange" reason.
You I'm not sure if you doing "it" consciously, or through misunderstanding the facts. But it sure looks like it is trying to wave away this concern as if it was irrelevant due to some technicality that 5 minutes "after" the invasion started, the invasion stops mattering as a motivation for the military coup or something... of course it must have been pure anti-communist ideology, supported and incentivized by the nasty old Uncle Sam.
To finish. And please don't take this stuff personally. I don't know you that well, and I was not lying that I have enough respect for you, despite thinking we already once at least locked horns over capitalism somewhere. I would like to convince you of what I believe to be the truth. Nothing weird I see about that. But don't worry I won't be hunting you down in any insistent fashion. And also don't worry as I won't abuse the truth a la Chomsky in trying to persuade you.
Mr. D™: snip
Brasas: ...the U.S. is overall a force of good in the world and capitalism a moral system...
I really wonder why this guy is quoting the german political comedian Volker Pispers
+1 That's the spirit :D
Why not learn from my example how to take a joke?
Trying to shut down dissenting views shows your true colors, so if only out of Machiavelianism you should pretend better ;)
Edit and PS: The guy asked about Chomsky's scholarship outside of he political arena and you go and recommend a bunch of anti-capitalist economists? Way to miss the point...