Brasas: Thanks for the bump :) and for confirming you're not a fan of satire.
In fairness I think I dropped enough hints that I was not being serious. Or rather, that I was hiding my serious point in satire.
Here is a very interesting analysis of what is not even one of the most controversial of Chomsky's books. As usual in SSC the comments are well worth reading.
Review of Manufacturing Consent/ If you care about my opinion I think Chomsky does it all on purpose and he is brilliant at it - a master propaganda artist in the Goebbels tradition. So I would not be as charitable as the reviewer I link to when evaluating Chomsky's motivations.
But whatever, I'm well aware of his sacred cow position for you folks on the
other side.
And before I leave the thread as you so
kindly suggested, let me point out I expect none of the usual suspect to decry what is one of the most transparently partisan politically motivated threads in this forum in ages.
Because some politics are more political than others obviously. Wake me up when someone makes a post about a similarly controversial ideological / propaganda figure on the right.
Oh, wait...
you did about Limbaugh. And openly with intent to ridicule at that. But... but... I thought you didn't like satire.
Oh the humanity...
as I said, stop posting.