Syphon72: Now bring WW1 and Cuban missile crisis to GOG
Gudadantza: A game that never heard about was Desert Law. It is a game based in the Blitzkrieg Engine I never was aware of its existence. Something similar to what other guys did with the game Stalingrad but with a completelly different setting and more focused on story apparently.
For fans of the Blitzkrieg games style of gameplay It should be worth a try. Also I like a lot the art direction indeed. It appears to be polished and the comic book approach is very atractive.
Syphon72: GOG should try bring frontline fields of thunder which is Blitzkrieg 2 spin off.
I have Cuban Missile Crisis and its standalone expansion in my Steam account for years, And Stalingrad on IGG If I am not wrong,
Not sure about the others you are mentioning but I have the feeling that sooner or later, Cuban, and the Stalingrad spinoffs will be available here
The Cuban Missile Crisis games are pretty interesting. They add a little strategic turn based layer for the campaigns
EDIT: Not mentionig (just for the record) That previously I still own Stalingrad in physical version, great manual and the box fits fine in my library but it was one of those cases where the game copy protention stopped working for me and I couldn't install it until I had the digital copy of the game. UFO Aftermath was another example of the same shit :D