Sarang: If I had my own company I would oppose a Union. This being said it is because I would treat my employees well enough all the reasons for forming a Union wouldn't exist. Unions form because there is a vacuum created where needs and good treatment have not been met.
I will even say that if a sizeable portion of my employees wanted to form a Union I would hate myself and ask myself where I had failed them. I would see it as a fault of mine. Sadly I don't think most businesses feel like I do and too many see people as adaptable work units, not as human beings.
A Union or syndicate is a right or it should be in any democratic country. Your opposition should be irrelevant, because the rights of the workers can't be under the subjetivity, good or bad will of a CEO, if under the law and achievements of the workers themselves
I remember time ago that I was chatting with a friend of mine and into an hypotetic conversation about these kind of things he defended the philosophical "Hobbesian" cliché -so cool and popular in current times-, that the man was bad by nature.
The matter was that, not surprinsingly, he also defended something similar to you. The boss should balance and manage the rights of the workers for their own good and the company one.
I could only ask him "so, should workers believe a man that is bad by nature?" "And nobody, nor state or adminstration, shoud fiscalize that boss for similar reasons?" "How convenient"