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Magnitus: But the rigidity of unions (which could be argued as necessary for employers not to find loopholes to bypass the union) means that exceptional employees don't have much incentive to work extra hard to be exceptional (which in IT is very much needed, you won't be great if you don't put in a significant number of hours outside your 9 to 5 to rampup your skills).
Given that many game publishers have shown that they would happily sidestep and loophole unions anyway, I'd rather have lazy workers than having to worry about other issues.
Darvond: Given that many game publishers have shown that they would happily sidestep and loophole unions anyway, I'd rather have lazy workers than having to worry about other issues.
I don't think unionized workers are lazy and I think most workers should probably be unionized.

All I'm saying is that unless they seize the means of production, unions don't benefit exceptional workers in certain professions and in a society where people can spend time outside of work to increase their revenue or otherwise arbitrarily give some people high revenues for doing nothing because they possess something, people who invest time to become better at what they do should be able to monetize that as well, but they won't if they are part of an union.
Post edited October 09, 2023 by Magnitus
Darvond: Given that many game publishers have shown that they would happily sidestep and loophole unions anyway, I'd rather have lazy workers than having to worry about other issues.
Magnitus: I don't think unionized workers are lazy and I think most workers should probably be unionized.

All I'm saying is that unless they seize the means of production, unions don't benefit exceptional workers in certain professions and in a society where people can spend time outside of work to increase their revenue or otherwise arbitrarily give some people high revenues for doing nothing because they possess something, people who invest time to become better at what they do should be able to monetize that as well, but they won't if they are part of an union.
You sure have a very narrow and rigid view of unions. That seems to be common for those coming from NA though..

It doesn't have to work like that.

I could join a union right now and it would not change my salary, nor would it prevent me from negotiating a better salary (at my current employer or elsewhere). It's none of my employer's business really, and I don't think the people who are involved in negotiating my salary even know whether I'm in a union or not.
clarry: You sure have a very narrow and rigid view of unions. That seems to be common for those coming from NA though..

It doesn't have to work like that.

I could join a union right now and it would not change my salary, nor would it prevent me from negotiating a better salary (at my current employer or elsewhere). It's none of my employer's business really, and I don't think the people who are involved in negotiating my salary even know whether I'm in a union or not.
Yes, that's how unions are here: Very rigid and bureaucratic.

Collective employee working conditions are negotiated in a contract-like way and you don't deviate from the contract, even when an employee is exceptional.

To some extent, it does prevent the employer from circumventing the union and showing favouritism or penalizing employees on things the union doesn't regulate so I get why it tends to be like that. Any leeway you give to the employer weakens the union.
Post edited October 09, 2023 by Magnitus
Sarang: If I had my own company I would oppose a Union. This being said it is because I would treat my employees well enough all the reasons for forming a Union wouldn't exist. Unions form because there is a vacuum created where needs and good treatment have not been met.
I will even say that if a sizeable portion of my employees wanted to form a Union I would hate myself and ask myself where I had failed them. I would see it as a fault of mine. Sadly I don't think most businesses feel like I do and too many see people as adaptable work units, not as human beings.
Gudadantza: A Union or syndicate is a right or it should be in any democratic country. Your opposition should be irrelevant, because the rights of the workers can't be under the subjetivity, good or bad will of a CEO, if under the law and achievements of the workers themselves

I remember time ago that I was chatting with a friend of mine and into an hypotetic conversation about these kind of things he defended the philosophical "Hobbesian" cliché -so cool and popular in current times-, that the man was bad by nature.
The matter was that, not surprinsingly, he also defended something similar to you. The boss should balance and manage the rights of the workers for their own good and the company one.
I could only ask him "so, should workers believe a man that is bad by nature?" "And nobody, nor state or adminstration, shoud fiscalize that boss for similar reasons?" "How convenient"
I HATE Hobbes and you are completely misunderstanding my point. I said that Unions are created when an employee's needs are unfulfilled, are being completely ignored by the company. My goal is to preanticipate those needs which I think nowadays are quite clear. I would even create an anonymity window if complaints of sexual assault and other issues in the company come up, hiring a detective or other to investigate and get paid by me with no face to face contact. The idea is that they would not know it is the company paying them so it would not bias their results.
For needs that haven't been preanticipated I will create an anonymous drop box and have them investigated and fixed accordingly or not because at times there are people who come into a business just to start shit. They are rare but they happen.
Magnitus: Collective employee working conditions are negotiated in a contract-like way and you don't deviate from the contract, even when an employee is exceptional.

To some extent, it does prevent the employer from circumventing the union and showing favouritism or penalizing employees on things the union doesn't regulate so I get why it tends to be like that. Any leeway you give to the employer weakens the union.
I guess my misunderstanding comes from this part, unions in your country do not seem to work exactly like they do in mine. Here being part of an union does not disqualify you from receiving raises or monetary incentives based on your performance at your job.
Your first link supported my statement, and the others had nothing to do with it. Terrible union leaders wanting to cripple a country and industry with unrealistic increases on already good paying jobs. I couldn't give a fuck about a guy already making 6 figures a year for driving a forklift wanting to make 40% more just because someone else is. It's FOMO. He has it, so I should, too. No. You're not entitled to something just because someone else gets it.
Post edited October 11, 2023 by paladin181
paladin181: Your first link supported my statement, and the others had nothing to do with it. Terrible union leaders wanting to cripple a country and industry with unrealistic increases on already good paying jobs. I couldn't give a fuck about a guy already making 6 figures a year for driving a forklift wanting to make 40% more just because someone else is. It's FOMO. He has it, so I should, too. No. You're not entitled to something just because someone else gets it.
Your sources #paladin181? My "I couldn't give a fuck about" after receiving them.
paladin181: Your first link supported my statement, and the others had nothing to do with it. Terrible union leaders wanting to cripple a country and industry with unrealistic increases on already good paying jobs. I couldn't give a fuck about a guy already making 6 figures a year for driving a forklift wanting to make 40% more just because someone else is. It's FOMO. He has it, so I should, too. No. You're not entitled to something just because someone else gets it.
I"ll play along. Then the CEO shouldn't make 1000X or more the wage of the lowest paid employee. Instead, if it won't go to the employee, it should go to improving their working condition, shareholders and the decrease the cost of the service.
I have mixed feelings about unions.
I think whether they are good or not depends on the union leaders and if employees are free to either be apart of the union or separate from it. Because I know some places require employees to be apart of a union and pay the union dues but I believe that union membership should be a free choice by an employee.

But hopefully if there is a union formed it is successful and makes the working environment a better place and lets employees get what they need in a fair manner instead of just causing problems.
Post edited October 12, 2023 by aCyborg
Forming a union, can often be a great way to put a target on yourself to get fired...

Mind you, unions have their place. Though i think Unions shouldn't exist more than 5 years, to do the job they were formed for, otherwise they just become another tumor in the system demanding free money to exist for little or no useful help.

I worked at a place with a union once at Fred Meyers. Union didn't do jack shit for me. And they expected union dues at the same time, back when i barely was making enough to survive.
It seems to work differently in Europe indeed.
In Austria for example unions negotiate each year the increases in salaries for the whole industry.

And here you can't get fired THAT easily. Every country must follow the same regulations for emplyee protection.
Of course they have a certain freedom in their laws, but there are strict guidelines.
Post edited October 12, 2023 by neumi5694
It's better to Union than believe in delusional propaganda ^ That's how "Solidarność" Solidarity! was created in 1980.

I can't help that, "employee's" word, is reminding me of Abe's Odyssey game. Well, C'mon, Abe! Save your comrades!

When I was on the construction site, we went to the office together, "you go Seb!, tell them we will sit here and wait for a 10% raise"

They gave us 15% with a request not to strike again xD We made our work 110% so they could get their awards. There was no need for whiskers, just for a whisker pole xD good luck everyone!
lol the American takes in this thread :DDDDD