Green_Hilltop: Asheron's Call.
Has a very small playerbase though. Try Frostfall or Harvest Grain servers.
Have you tried The Elder Scrolls Online? It's on sale right now because of the One Tamriel patch and you can get the game with the first four DLC (out of five) for about thirty bucks. The DLC include the Dark Brotherhood, the Thieves' Guild, Imperial City and Orsinium, they pack in a lot of content actually. The last one is not included, presumably, because it came out after the One Tamriel edition of the game was released.
micktiegs_8: I would grab Elder Scrolls but at the moment even 30USDollars is a big investment. Somebody would probably inflict serious pain on me for spending it.
Haha, I believe that. You could try getting the base game for 13 dollars then (, and get the DLC later if you like it? There's a lot of content in the base game and you might not even want the additional two skill lines depending if you like playing honest or not (thieves' guild and assassin skill trees). I was in the alpha but didn't buy the game (I'm considering it) because of longer logins during the free trial, but I'm not sure if that's still an issue, or if it was an issue due to the free trial since I didn't see it being an issue on the TESO Reddit. Also high res textures load for me only after a few seconds, not immediately, which started happening only after the last beta wave.
Asheron's Call is great if you like that sort of thing and costs only ten dollars.
Edit: Actually, wait, TESO might not be a good pick if you don't enjoy having quest steal-waiting - sometimes you get the "Do X several times" quest, not that often though, but when you do, sometimes it's possible for someone to do the objective first, and then you have to wait for it to respawn (about thirty seconds or more). Unless they fixed it. For example you'd have to douse several burning houses with a bucket of water, but if they're all doused, you have to wait for them to start burning again...which is daft. And since there are about five or six houses, if there are more players, you gotta wait for the fire to respawn if someone presses that "E" to activate the bucket faster than you, or rush to the next house and hope you'll make it there first.