Im one of these heretics who got into vidya via mmorpgs. I think many of us did, whos "better years" has been at the middle of 2000th (unless you were able to afford ps2. I couldnt).
It wasnt my first time tho. My introduction to video game world has happend via sega mega drive (or genesis, if you were born in western country) I've got from my older brother, and chinese famicom clone we've played by my friend's house. These were fun times, but nothing has really hooked me in, coz none of the cartridges we had contained any deep mechanics - just mindless action. And it was like that till my friend got his first pc and invited me to show some cool game he has found.
The game in question was Ragnarok Online, and... you know, I felt like I've discovered something magestic.
First of all - I've never seen anything 3D thus far. Thus the difference between what I knew about video games and what they were technically capable of, at this time and day, was insane. Even if main characters were in 2D, I was shocked by the fact that something like this can be made.
Secondly - this was the first time I got introduced to the whole "roleplay" thing. You see - I never played DnD (and, to be fair, it still remains kinda true - I've got tru Neverwinter, I've played Baldurs Gate and Icewind Dale - but I never got a chance to play the original thing). I spent a lot reading fantasy books, but it always felt like being a spectator - the idea of creating your own character and then deciding their fate has never crossed my mind... until that moment.
Since that very moment, I couldnt wait for the time I finally got my own pc, to be able to dive in by myself.
Yall know mmorpgs as genre that usually force players to do repetetive tasks, buy lootboxes and all that stuff. But it wasnt like that... or at least to me.
I didnt understand a thing about character building. I didnt know anything about minmaxing. I didnt know what "grind" means. I just discovered the whole digital world beyond and had all sorts of fun that have no sense to average player, but meant a lot to me. I explored the world with my nearly naked underleveled character. I've discovered things that were documented in some online wikis long time ago and didnt have any real purpose, but to me they were awesome. Towers and forests, oceans and deserts. You know how people make fun of those (usually either their parents or younger relatives) who join WoW and instead of leveling or crafting just wander around and do screenshots? Yep, I was like that. And it was AWESOME.
As said, I didnt know a thing about how to build character. I didnt understand stats and thus made what people call a "glass cannon". I didnt understand what matters about equipment and thus got scammed many times, selling things for cheaper than they are. But it didnt bother me. I had fun.
Later I've encountered Final Fantasy series (and whatever people say, FF2 (the real one, not FF4) is the best one. At least in my heart) and discovered the whole genre that was so appealing to me, years before I found about it. JRPGS, TRPGS, CRPGS - I went all the way.
Surely I tried other games too, coz they were popular at times (such as CS 1.6). But I never had as much fun as when I got to dive into whole new world, with its own stories to listen to, characters to talk to, things to discover.
Thats basically it. To sum things up, I'd say that my interest in videogames, in rpg videogames in particular, has affected my life more than anything else. In some other MMORPG I've met someone I felt in love with (it didnt end well, but we were together for almost 4 years and these memories are still dear to me). All the people who became (and remain) my friends, came either from videogame communities or were friends with those whom I met there. In videogames I've learned english (its still terrible, I know - but Im trying my best), and videogames made me whoever I am. Not kidding - even my whole job right now is related to all this stuff (with my lifetime goal being the naive childish dream about reviving the old feelings I've had when I first got into that). And, while I dont have as much time anymore to spend on vidya - Im trully glad that I've got into it