Long time fan of AMD as a company here, and of their CPUs (with the exception of the laptop I bought 2 years ago all CPUs I've ever bought were AMD), and their GPUs. Started using ATI GPUs in 2000 where they have been my primary GPUs ever since. In that timeframe I've used Radeon (original/7200), 7500, 7000, 8500, FireGL 8800 x3, 9000, 9200, 9500Pro, 9600Pro, 9700Pro, 9800Pro x2, X700 x2, 2600, FireGL X1 256P, and HD7850 x2. Also owned one of each Rage 128, and Mach 64 models previously. Been using the 7850 for 7 years now and just got a second one given to me earlier this year that was a spare a friend had who thought I might benefit from Crossfire. (I didn't)
So I've pretty much experienced almost all of AMD's GPU hardware over time both directly and many models of cards on friend's systems as well. Overall I've always had pretty good results with AMD's GPUs and felt the money spent was well spent when I actually had to pay for them. (Most of the above hardware was free in some way shape or form, I only bought 2 of them.)
Having said all of that... and being a self-admitted AMD fan... I'm totally buying an nVidia RTX 3090 or 3080 for my new PC build some time in the next 3-5 months or so depending on the timing of some things. Also despite the fact that I also had major problems with nVidia during the 2000s that I wont go into as well.
What happened? Well, for starters my needs have changed. What I use the computer for and the GPU has changed over time, and it is not just all for video games. I got heavily into video production and visual effects development over the last few years and the capabilities of nVIdia's video hardware for hardware video encoding, and for visual effects development, stability and other factors are just vastly superior for my current needs to the point where I'd have to stick my head in the sand and sing "LA LA LA, I'M NOT LISTENING" if I were to continue to ignore it these days.
nVidia just dropped a massive nuke bomb with the 3000 series GPUs. I'm also looking forward to seeing AMD's refresh of Navi drop in the coming weeks/months too, but not with anticipation for getting one, but rather with anticipation for them increasing the competition and helping to drive prices down on all GPUs to make what I actually want to get even better priced. :)
Sorry AMD, I still love ya as a company, and my new system will be getting a nice shiny Zen 3 4950X CPU with lotsa love, but it's going to be an nVidia Ampere GPU I'm afraid.
I hope to see both companies duke it out in the coming months and years, while all of us consumers get the benefit from the competition regardless of which companies' products we decide are best for our individual needs.
Despite the global tire fire that 2020 has turned out to be, it's a great time to be alive for gaming and computing.