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BenKii: WANT - System Shock 2

Thanks for setting this up Sinistar. +1 to you and everyone donating. :)
foxworks: Check chat!
That was really fast! Thanks Foxworks for the game! :)
RECIEVED - Chronicles of Riddick: Assault on Dark Athena - Thanks mrkgnao!
Post edited November 04, 2015 by leon30
WANT - Chronicles of Riddick.

Thank You !
high rated
leon30: WANT - Chronicles of Riddick: Assault on Dark Athena

Thanks! :)
Check your PM.
high rated
Have- System Shock 2
GIVEN- Chronicles of Riddick
GIVEN- Banished
Post edited November 04, 2015 by ormaybemidgets
Would like to have system shock 2 or Chronicles of Riddick :)
jimrh69: Would like to have system shock 2 or Chronicles of Riddick :)
check pm
I'd be really happy to have Chronicles of Riddick :)
ormaybemidgets: Have- System Shock 2
Have- Chronicles of Riddick
may I ask for Chronicles of Riddick?
ormaybemidgets: Have- Chronicles of Riddick
May I take Riddick? :)
EDIT: amrit9037 came first
Post edited November 04, 2015 by Random_Coffee
ormaybemidgets: Have- System Shock 2
Have- Chronicles of Riddick
Have- Banished
I did replied to You ! Thank You !
high rated
Have ;
Banished - GONE-

System Shock 2

Chronicles of Riddick: Assault on Dark Athena, The - GONE -

No request through chat, just reply to this post.
Post edited November 04, 2015 by DyNaer
ormaybemidgets: Have- System Shock 2
Have- Chronicles of Riddick
amrit9037: may I ask for Chronicles of Riddick?
I'm sorry, I just offered it to someone above me who I noticed was looking right before you posted.
Thank you to IAmSinistar for a new generous thread and to all the donors.

RECEIVED : Chronicles of Riddick

Please consider the others in priority, I still have games to complete first (Lula and Thief 3, mainly).
Post edited November 05, 2015 by MaxFulvus
DyNaer: Have ;

System Shock 2

Chronicles of Riddick: Assault on Dark Athena, The

No request through chat, just reply to this post.
Can I get Banished please? :)