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ZaineH: One code incoming!
Thanks mate, just redeemed it!

budejovice: Sent!
Thanks buddy, but I had to take ZaineH's offer - FIFO, and all.

And a heads up - the codes seem to expire Dec 15, 2015.
HypersomniacLive: And a heads up - the codes seem to expire Dec 15, 2015.
Yes, they are short-lived, like a lot of the "free game" codes from GOG sales. Hence the need for this thread, to get them disbursed before they go belly-up in the fishtank. :)
high rated
HypersomniacLive: Thanks buddy, but I had to take ZaineH's offer - FIFO, and all.
Makes perfect sense. :)

If you need what I have, please respond to this post as I probably won't be monitoring in here.

Update: all games gone

GIVEN System Shock 2 (to my brother)
GIVEN Chronicles of Riddick (in this thread)
GIVEN Banished (in misteryo's spend less thread)
Post edited November 05, 2015 by budejovice
Code for System Shock 2 - *NALS85*B5DEEE*B0738N* - without the asterisks, of course.
musteriuz: snip
Please don't post open codes. Attracts leechers and bots.
RECEIVED - Banished.

I haven't made any purchases yet, but I'll update this or make a new post when I've got games to give away.
Post edited November 06, 2015 by andysheets1975
ZaineH: One code incoming!
HypersomniacLive: Thanks mate, just redeemed it!
You're welcome. Enjoy!
Who wants System Shock 2?, I already have it

If somebody wants it just send a message
Post edited November 04, 2015 by DaiKaiser93
[Given] System Shock 2
[RECIEVED] Chronicles of Riddick Thank you Grolav
Post edited November 04, 2015 by amrit9037
Eh. System Shock 2. Go.

HypersomniacLive: Thanks buddy, but I had to take ZaineH's offer - FIFO, and all.
budejovice: Makes perfect sense. :)

If you need what I have, please respond to this post as I probably won't be monitoring in here.

HAVE System Shock 2
HAVE Chronicles of Riddick
Do you still have Chronicles of Riddick? :)
high rated
guppy44: Do you still have Chronicles of Riddick? :)
RECEIVED - System Shock 2

Thanks for setting this up Sinistar. +1 to you and everyone donating. :)
Post edited November 04, 2015 by BenKii
high rated
BenKii: WANT - System Shock 2

Thanks for setting this up Sinistar. +1 to you and everyone donating. :)
Check chat!
WANT - Chronicles of Riddick