AnimalMother117: KKND looks really good. Last time it was on sale I passed on it, kinda regretting that.
How is Dark Reign*? I was looking at threads about RTS games from the late 90s and it seemed like people mostly fought over Starcraft or Total Annihilation but if there was a third choice it seemed like Dark Spire was it. I fist saw it a little while ago looking at an old Gamespot review of AoE** where they preferred Dark Reign in some ways.
*: was Spire.
**: was 2, but it's the first one.
If you enjoy oldschool rts games at all, then you'll really enjoy both. The combat and explosions in KKND especially are incredibly satisfying and it's one of the first rts titles that grants unit experience.
Dark Reign I think is definitely better than KKND. The combat isn't quite as satsifying (except for the artillery) but it is more complex game, with more units, buildings and gameplay features, like espionage. Also, the two factions aren't mirror images of each other like they are in KKND and the game has an
awesome intro.
Overall I'd say CnC:Tiberian Dawn < KKND < Dark Reign < Starcraft.