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Well... Hard to write only few.

I agree with Phantasy Star IV, a great game.
But also on Megadrive: Shining Force II

Other great console games:
Shining Force III (Sc 1+2+3)
Dragon Force 1 & 2
Azel Panzer Dragoon Saga
Langrisser IV (the other games of the series are great too, even the III and the Millenium)
Grandia series
Lunar series

On PC:
Planescape Torment
Fallout 1 & 2
Neverwinter Nights: Mask of the Betrayer

And there are many great other games that I forgot...
Post edited April 13, 2014 by Huinehtar
MetalPixel: For me, there are a few:

Phantasy Star IV
Mass Effect Series with ME 2 being my favorite
Fallout 3
Saga Frontier ( the game is a bitt odd but, I like it)

On here:
Ultima IV
AnimalMother117: YES! I can't believe I forgot Phantasy Star IV, that has to be hands down the best 16 bit RPG in existence. It completely blows away the competing Final Fantasy games of that era, which were good games in their own right, but none can compare to PS IV.
Finally, someone else that likes PS IV! The game is amazing. It's a shame Sega only does MMOs with the IP now.
The modern Phantasy Stars are good but, I wish they would do a PS V.
My top 5:

1. Planescape: Torment
2. Vampire The Masquerade: Bloodlines
3. Baldur's Gate 2
4. Neverwinter Nights (as a tool to run community modules with; the official campaign is lame, but some of the free modules have the best stories and the most engaging writing I've ever seen in an RPG, rivaled only by PS:T perhaps; e.g. The Prophet series)
5. Jade Empire

Honorable mentions:
- Lands of Lore - The Throne of Chaos as most enjoyable dungeon crawler
- Nox as most enjoyable action RPG
- Albion, if only I hadn't been forced to give up on it before the final battle because I ran out of vital resources
- Forgotten Realms Unlimited Adventures, same as NWN
- Mass Effect, lost to Jade Empire because I love Oriental settings more and because I thought the combat in ME a bit more lacklustre than in Jade Empire; I also didn't like the long drives with the moon buggy and the recycled environments, but apart from that it's pretty enjoyable, too.
- Knights of the Chalice, awesome tactical RPG but it could have been more awesome with more side quests, better story and a different way of balancing (combat is mostly easy when you can rest, extremely frustrating when you can't)

I have to add that I didn't play through any Fallout or Ultima game yet, that I abandoned Arcanum half-way through due to some annoying experiences, despite generally liking it, and that I've played less than two chapters of The Witcher, but couldn't be bothered to continue it yet (in case all the great stuff only comes later in the game)

I'm not a great fan of JRPGs because I'm quickly bored by the static combat system and repetitive random combats, but I really like Chrono Trigger and Die Reise ins All - the most entertaining RPG Maker freeware game I've played, sadly only available in German (but that's part of what makes it great, I guess it would be tough to translate). I also liked Fortune Summoners a lot, if that still counts as a JRPG. And I would like to love Vagrant Story more than I actually do, it's gripping but just too frustrating for me to enjoy in the long run.
Post edited April 13, 2014 by Leroux
AnimalMother117: YES! I can't believe I forgot Phantasy Star IV, that has to be hands down the best 16 bit RPG in existence. It completely blows away the competing Final Fantasy games of that era, which were good games in their own right, but none can compare to PS IV.
MetalPixel: Finally, someone else that likes PS IV! The game is amazing. It's a shame Sega only does MMOs with the IP now.
The modern Phantasy Stars are good but, I wish they would do a PS V.
Especially in an old school revival format, I'd totally buy it. Although, if they do a modern numerical Phantasy Star, that's be awsome as well.
I don't like them as much as I'd like, but Planescape is my favorite D&D game. Witcher is good, it can be annoying or slow, but do try and keep with it. JRPGs are mostly my favorites, some older and some newer. The most recent crop of them have their issues, and I am not too big a fan of them. i doubt they'd change your mind on the subject, but some games like Baten Kaitos (the first being better but the second being more fun), the Last Story, Xenoblade all are excellent, not too slow paced for JRPGs.

Speaking of Witcher, that game doesn't truly pick up until about chapter three on, it gets really good and the graphics come together very nicely for the last three chapters.
Post edited April 13, 2014 by AnimalMother117
Speaking of action RPGs, am I the only one who is constantly accidentally trying to attack his own skeletons when playing as the Necromancer in Diablo 2?
tinyE: Speaking of action RPGs, am I the only one who is constantly accidentally trying to attack his own skeletons when playing as the Necromancer in Diablo 2?
You're most definitely not. ;-D
The Baldur's Gate games are pretty good. So are Mass Effect 2 and Skyrim.
AnimalMother117: Witcher is good, it can be annoying or slow, but do try and keep with it. JRPGs are mostly my favorites, some older and some newer. The most recent crop of them have their issues, and I am not too big a fan of them. i doubt they'd change your mind on the subject, but some games like Baten Kaitos (the first being better but the second being more fun), the Last Story, Xenoblade all are excellent, not too slow paced for JRPGs.

Speaking of Witcher, that game doesn't truly pick up until about chapter three on, it gets really good and the graphics come together very nicely for the last three chapters.
I'll definitely try to keep on playing The Witcher, if only because I want to try Witcher 2 and 3; it's not that I don't like it at all, it's just that the downsides give me a hard time to enjoy the good things. Anyway, thanks for the encouragement!

As for JRPGs, I don't mind most of the things that hardcore WRPG fans criticize about them - I have no issues with linear story-telling, limited character building or anime style, it's just that I don't like the amount of turn-based, but often random and due to limited options quickly repetitive combat. I edited my OP to mention Fortune Summoners, which is more or less a JRPG but replaces the turn-based combat by action combat and metroidvania-like platforming, and that formula worked much better for me. I also like the Zelda style, but I guess that's not really considered an RPG? But I also admit I haven't really tried a lot of JRPGs yet, I'll keep an eye on the ones you mentioned. Grandia 2 is supposed to be pretty good, too; too bad it's not available on GOG.
Post edited April 13, 2014 by Leroux
AnimalMother117: Witcher is good, it can be annoying or slow, but do try and keep with it. JRPGs are mostly my favorites, some older and some newer. The most recent crop of them have their issues, and I am not too big a fan of them. i doubt they'd change your mind on the subject, but some games like Baten Kaitos (the first being better but the second being more fun), the Last Story, Xenoblade all are excellent, not too slow paced for JRPGs.

Speaking of Witcher, that game doesn't truly pick up until about chapter three on, it gets really good and the graphics come together very nicely for the last three chapters.
Leroux: I'll definitely try to keep on playing The Witcher, if only because I want to try Witcher 2 and 3; it's not that I don't like it at all, it's just that the downsides give me a hard time to enjoy the good things. Anyway, thanks for the encouragement!

As for JRPGs, I don't mind most of the things that hardcore WRPG fans criticize about them - I have no issues with linear story-telling, limited character building or anime style, it's just that I don't like the amount of turn-based, but often random and due to limited options quickly repetitive combat. I edited my OP to mention Fortune Summoners, which is more or less a JRPG but replaces the turn-based combat by action combat and metroidvania-like platforming, and that formula worked much better for me. I also like the Zelda style, but I guess that's not really considered an RPG? But I also admit I haven't really tried a lot of JRPGs yet, I'll keep an eye on the ones you mentioned. Grandia 2 is supposed to be pretty good, too; too bad it's not available on GOG.
Very much welcome on all accounts, mate.
I'm also one of those that have issues with 'bast' lists, as my mood at any given time often affects my opinion.. But I'll give it a whirl.


The Baldur's Gate games
The Icewind Dale games
Temple of Elemental Evil (this absolutely must have the Co8 mod installed though)
Neverwinter Nights (this one's a bit of an odd one, as i actually don't recommend the original game itself as a great RPG, but the access to community-made mods makes it one of the all-time best).
Neverwinter Nights 2
Planescape:Torment (If this isn't on peoples' top RPG lists, there's something seriously wrong with the list)
The Witcher
The Witcher 2
Risen series
Eschalon series


Alpha Protocol
Drakensang series
Dragon Age:Origins
Kingdoms of Amalur (more of an action RPG, but I still had a ton of fun with it)
Mass Effect series
Fallout series
I'll drag out the Dreamcast and present you with:

Grandia II

Skies of Arcadia
chevkoch: I'll drag out the Dreamcast and present you with:

Grandia II

Skies of Arcadia
Both very interesting games, I really wanted to get Skies of Arcadia, but it's so expensive whenever I find it.
GhostwriterDoF: So many to choose from...

Mass Effect 1, 2, and 3 in that order of most favored, though 2 is more fun than 1 to play, the story in 1 is the most fun to play through. These games have a living universe that fits wonderfully with the characters and gameplay. And I really enjoy having companions to manage with a main character.

Morrowind/Oblivion, because of the open world exploration, leveling and modding.

I favor the Icewind Dale games over Baldur’s Gate, because they play more like strategy games focusing on combat more than anything else, but I include them together as a bunch.
Funny, I favour Baldur's Gate for exactly the same reason!
I'm not even sure that the Infinity Engine, great thought it is, even lends itself to something that battle heavy - swapping between shield and sword to no shield and ranged weapon 4 times over plus switching to sling and shield for the other 2 guys constantly really gets old after a while, constantly swapping between platemail and wizards robes for the fighter/mage too!
Plus IWD is pretty linear - I prefer all the little side missions and messing around you can find to do in Baldur's Gate and Torment
Saying that, IWD is still a great game

RPGS though - FAR too many good ones - Jade Empire, Deus Ex, System Shock 2, Anachonox, Infinity Engine, Spidersweb, Fallout, Fable, Outcast (if you stretch the def of an 'RPG' slightly), Ys series
I love them all!
Post edited April 14, 2014 by Fever_Discordia
AnimalMother117: Both very interesting games, I really wanted to get Skies of Arcadia, but it's so expensive whenever I find it.
Keep looking for a reasonable deal, it's worth it.
AnimalMother117: Both very interesting games, I really wanted to get Skies of Arcadia, but it's so expensive whenever I find it.
chevkoch: Keep looking for a reasonable deal, it's worth it.
Thanks, I suppose I will.