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snowkatt: and for the third time this is sega's response to the mini nes
No, it isn't. This was already available years before the "mini NES" was announced. Not to mention that it's Sonic's 25th anniversary, hence the sticker this time. It's not a response to anything. Only the media that weren't aware of these ATGames machines are attempting to make it so.

snowkatt: they are scrambeling to get in on that action despite this machine being nothing new

thats not that hard to grasp now is it ?
It's baseless speculation.
snowkatt: and for the third time this is sega's response to the mini nes
Alexrd: No, it isn't. This was already available years before the "mini NES" was announced. Not to mention that it's Sonic's 25th anniversary, hence the sticker this time. It's not a response to anything. Only the media that weren't aware of these ATGames machines are attempting to make it so.

snowkatt: they are scrambeling to get in on that action despite this machine being nothing new

thats not that hard to grasp now is it ?
Alexrd: It's baseless speculation.
or in other words your grasping and straws because you desperately want to be right and prove a point
got you

cause after all why else dredge up a "argument" that is already several days old
Post edited July 27, 2016 by snowkatt
Yeah my mate seemed pretty hot for the nintendo release; was all hype talking me up about it.... then i pointed out it used the Wii controller input instead of a standard usb ->FAIL
Simply put i'd rather use an emulator for the games i already own on a real NES controller made with USB like you can already get :P

BTW this isn't the first time SEGA have brought out a mini-retro classics system I remember having a Amiga style joystick with a bunch of their shittest games in it.
Oh and if anyone likes SEGA i still have a working megadrive with Toe Jam & Earl; bow to your new god!!!
Another possible clone enters the fray?
Retro-Bits Generations plug and play console with 100? games for 59.99
I have no opinion as I'm behind the technical/emulator scene.
Post edited July 30, 2016 by DavidOrion93
EDIT: didn't read the whole thread, sorry.
Post edited July 30, 2016 by catpower1980