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Grargar: If its sound quality is anything like its previous iteration, then LOL, no thanks.
i can live with that i never cared much for the megadrive's music
but i cant live with out a save functionality in the shining of phantasy games
Grargar: If its sound quality is anything like its previous iteration, then LOL, no thanks.
Nightmare fuel.
snowkatt: i can live with that i never cared much for the megadrive's music
I can't stand the waterfall sound effects. They sound like TV static.
snowkatt: but i cant live with out a save functionality in the shining of phantasy games
If that's true for the upcoming iteration, then ATGames should invest some skills points into building a quality Mega Drive machine, as they are currently underleveled and underequipped.
Post edited July 24, 2016 by Grargar
snowkatt: i can live with that i never cared much for the megadrive's music
Grargar: I can' stand the waterfall sound effects. They sound like TV static.
snowkatt: but i cant live with out a save functionality in the shining of phantasy games
Grargar: If that's true for the upcoming iteration, then ATGames should invest some skills points into building a quality Mega Drive machine, as they are currently underleveled and underequipped.
they need to grind more

i never had any of the atgames consoles
i had the ultimate collection on the ps3 whose emulation was excellent
and all games supported save states

and i also have the steam versions ( bundle stars is selling a pick your own games bundle for these right now )
I'll wait and see. Maybe there will be a good news.

Did the old console provide some sort of a save state?
Gede: I'll wait and see. Maybe there will be a good news.

Did the old console provide some sort of a save state?
the original rpgs ( shining and phantasy star ) series had battery back ups
sonic 3 also had battery back up
but other then that no save states

but those 5 games each easily can take up to 60 hours if not more to beat
you really want to do that with out the ability to save ?
snowkatt: Sega launches a mini mega drive with 80 games
Quite old news ;)
Saw this console for sale in the local Gamestop almost 2 years ago, IIRC.

It's also for sale together with other mini retro consoles here:

And here:
almabrds: The biggest problem here is not Sega copying Nintendo's idea, rivalry is good.
It's not a Nintendo idea. These ATGames SoCs have been on the market for years.
snowkatt: Sega launches a mini mega drive with 80 games
Solei: Quite old news ;)
Saw this console for sale in the local Gamestop almost 2 years ago, IIRC.

It's also for sale together with other mini retro consoles here:

And here:
i know
but this is sega's scrambled response to the mini nes
Alexrd: It's not a Nintendo idea. These ATGames SoCs have been on the market for years.
So it's just a coincidence both companies are making mini consoles?
I don't think so.
Read the OP, also open the links:
snowkatt: sega launches a mini megadrive with 80 games

sadly its one of those at games mongrels being shat out for a quick buck
and "only" 40 of the games are actual megadrive classics
the rest is shovel ware
and apparently they dont even support save games


whats the word here ?
oh yeah cash grab !

source post
thought it might warrant its own thread
Post edited July 24, 2016 by almabrds
Introducing the new ATARI 2600.2!

Hooks directly into your HDTV and offers 40 Atari classics: Pitfall, and 39 different versions of E.T.

On sale this September!
almabrds: So it's just a coincidence both companies are making mini consoles?
Again, SEGA has been licensing these ATGames consoles for years.

Actually, this very version has been released available since:

This is just news because some ignorant journalists interpreted this as a response to Nintendo.
almabrds: So it's just a coincidence both companies are making mini consoles?
Alexrd: Again, SEGA has been licensing these ATGames consoles for years.

Actually, this very version has been released available since:

This is just news because some ignorant journalists interpreted this as a response to Nintendo.
read article you did not

this is A NEW version of the old at games megadrive console
with 40 extra games

it wil be re released in october
and hopefully this time they fixed the fucking mistakes but i doubt that
Post edited July 25, 2016 by snowkatt
We need to remember not to let snowkatt watch "Empire Strikes Back" anymore. This is getting kind of annoying.

I guess it's better than what she is like after watching "Pulp Fiction".
tinyE: We need to remember not to let snowkatt watch "Empire Strikes Back" anymore. This is getting kind of annoying.

I guess it's better than what she is like after watching "Pulp Fiction".
oi speak like yoda i did only 3 times ;p

and i dont like pulp fiction
all style no substance

nor will it make me swear even more then i already do
Post edited July 25, 2016 by snowkatt