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BlueMooner: I don't believe anything is absolute. Everything has exceptions and caveats. Again, what is the "purpose", the benefit of free speech? What is it for? If speech leads to interpersonal violence (them's fightin' words) or leads people to kill themseves, are those acceptable consequences??? Can people yell "fire" in a theatre? No harm or death matters, so long as speech remains ABSOLUTELY free??

I don't agree.
Sure, there may be exceptions, but in general, permitting and making use of freedom doesn't need to be justified. Restricting it does, and very, very well.
Yelling fire doesn't count as expressing an opinion though. Actually, falls right under knowingly spreading false information as fact.
An in terms of words, there may be people who use generally insulting words that refer to groups they themselves belong to as a way of reclaiming them, or sometimes jokingly, or as slang...
And then, of course, there's Tyrion's famous line regarding just the use of insults, "Never forget what you are, for surely the world will not. Make it your strength. Then it can never be your weakness. Armor yourself in it, and it will never be used to hurt you."

Not that this is in any way the purpose of this thread.
You can't post any text that includes +91

A classic.
Cavalary: Free speech is free speech.
As long as it's just speech, that's the end of it.
Well, I think I'll just say "I dare to disagree", and leave it at that.
Lispen. Normally I'm happy to push threads into being and let them roll down until they stop and are covered by internet moss, but I feel the need to step in and re-explain the premise of this thread:

This is simply a thread for tracking words that GOG has mysteriously banned in the name of their misguided attempts to control spam.

Unless you know words which have been forbidden by GOG or have been snared by the word filter and wish to file a report, kindly take your philosophy discussions elsewhere.
Another banned word: abor-tion
ᛞᚨᚱᚹᛟᚾᛞ: Unless you know words which have been forbidden by GOG or have been snared by the word filter and wish to file a report, kindly take your philosophy discussions elsewhere.
Perdoname, Capitan. I will take my leave now, to de sound of castanets.
Where ist the list of banned words?
Not here, because GOG won't let us say them.
Well, someone (not me!) could track the words into a doc, screenshot the doc, and then post a picture of the screenshot, ideally into the OP of the thread.
Post edited February 13, 2024 by GilesHabibula
At this point I'm just waiting for them to ban the words "buy" and "online".
All your Coinbase are belong to us!

Post edited July 21, 2024 by user deleted
sbc-global (make of that what you will - occurred with this thread in reporting email headers)
Post edited March 06, 2024 by AstralWanderer
I imagine it'll be hard to talk about basebuilding in RTS games soon, if base or various forms gets banned.

Coin. Base. Coin Base. Base Coin.
Blows dust off thread.
Apparently the reviews use a seperate "no" list.

With that said: Banned Words: Review Edition is not going to be a regular thing here, because of the zero-feedback and uselessness of the current review system. If they did what [VAPOR STORE] did and replaced swears for logged out users with ♡♡♡♡♡ or even just used a word filter that was simply visible to logged out users (a la SomethingAwful), then perhaps this would be an acceptable compromise.

[Context note: SomethingAwful replaces common sailor words with advertiser friendly substitutes; the verbal state of fornication as an expletive is replaced with "gently caress" for example, and only if you're not registered.]