Agrilla: The main point was that:
Every time a item is unnecessary replaced. Because of planed obsolesce or otherwise. Valuable resources from our planet is wasted.
snowkatt: shouldnt you have made that point clear from the get go ?
cause the OP sounds like you have a beef with gadgets becoming obsolete with in a relatively short time span
and its not just me who thought that
everybody who replied thought that
Tried to But apparently failed in this. Using a phone as example was probably not the best one.
It is a type of device that tend to get outdated. All by it self faster than most.
But thing is some 10 years ago, before Apple showed up with the first smartphone. I was mostly involved with creating software for phones and satellite equipment. Until getting fed up with a ever going "lets milk the cow" industry. So it was the first thing that went into my mind.
After this I have only worked some with wind turbines and PVs, but mostly managed the IT systems for the NGO I work for.
In reality I am not working in the public relation/political part of things. More like the geek part :P
But still i think that a lot of items is unnecessary waited because of becoming outdated before they need to.
I feel we have to much of a make cheap and trow out early culture. Instead of a make quality items that last.
The last might save on resources taken from the ground.
My thought is that it might be a good idea with laws that prohibit planed obsolesce.
I did not even know the wording planed obsolesce, so I learned something here.
The modular designs that OneFiercePuppy showed is something I like.
the Fairphone nepundo showed look really cool, that cold be my next one. Hope it is also