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DaCostaBR: Will I get 20min of people staring longingly into each other's eyes for every 5min of cool superhero stuff?
OneFiercePuppy: For that, I'd recommend The Shannara Chronicles (which, for an MTV series, I found surprisingly good).
Shannara Chronicles? Never heard of it. Lots of melodrama in it?

I don't have anything against being dark or light as long as it's done well. I mentioned I like The Wire and that's pretty fucking bleak. On the other hand one of the reasons that I gave up on Supernatural years ago, has to do with not one episode going by without those battle hardened monster slayers crying over something. It was even infecting my beloved comedy episodes which used to be some of the best in that series.

Maybe I shouldn't have put this the way I did. I am the type of person who enjoys sappy romantic comedies after all. What I don't like is when I feel the show is just running in place. When they have the direction for the character for the season, but they can't meaningfully advance his arc before the big season finale, so they just have episode after episode of characters stealing glances at each other and ...just...wishing they had the tell them how they really feel. Or in the case of Supernatural, Sam with his lip quivering: "We are brothers Dean!", and Dean with tears in his eyes responds: "I just...don't know...if I can trust you anymore, Sam!" Every. Single. Episode.

Which is why I can appreciate a show that really leans on a case/monster of the week. There's none of that. It's all about the matter at hand, which you know will be resolved by the end of the episode, and in the next episode we get something brand new.

I guess I'm curious to see how Flash falls on that scale.

As for the superhero shows, what I most remember from Arrow is Merlyn and Cassidy mostly not doing anything for most of the episodes I watched, but no one shutting up about how much of shithead he was, and what a glorious saint she was, every episode, instead of showing it. Granted, like I said, I never went so far as to finish the first season.

I used to love Smallville back in the day. Maybe I was young and stupid, but I remember the first three seasons with him still in high school being pretty good, the following ones more hit and miss.
Post edited October 08, 2016 by DaCostaBR
DaCostaBR: Shannara Chronicles? Never heard of it. Lots of melodrama in it?
It's based on Terry Brooks' Shannara fantasy series. I was a fan as a young adult; it's passable fantasy with good characters and an interesting world. It's not the first fantasy series I'd recommend to someone, but it's not bad if you'd like some light reading that will entertain without taxing you. Sort of like Terry Goodkind's Sword of Truth (and, thus, the tv series based on it, Legend of the Seeker) or Jim Butcher's Dresden Files, but totally unlike A Song of Ice and Fire or Wheel of Time or Malazan Book of the Damned. But the Shannara protagonists are painfully naive (except for the old druid Allanon and the "OG Elfstones gang" of Jerle et al), and MTV ramps it up a notch by having really pretty actors so the beautiful girls can make eyes at the beautiful boys.

DaCostaBR: I guess I'm curious to see how Flash falls on that scale.
The first season and a half of Flash has character development, story progression, and some good moments. The back end of the second season regresses into what you describe with Supernatural, and Season 3 starts with an almost painful pull back from the end of S2, suggesting that we're going to go into soap-drama territory. I'd like to be wrong; and if I were honestly any good at predicting the future, I'd be richer and barred from going back to Vegas. ^_^
Tallima: Hey guys, does anybody know the order that I need to watch Arrow season 4 and the Flash season 2. Thanks!
OneFiercePuppy: This might help:

I don't know enough to fact-check it, but it seems reasonable.
Awesome list, thx. The CW should release season boxed sets based on that list (regardless of the first two would be just GA with another cover). :D
Breja: Don't. The second season of the Flash is just terrible.
I found flash season 1 watchable, but not great TV. It satisfied my superhero show desire. Bit if it had no relation to arrow, I would watch it. Everyone speaks with vocal fry. Every. Freaking. Last. Character.i. very. Scene. Drives me crazy. And the plot was pretty lousy. But it was still funenough to stay on board.

Arrow, in my opinion, was amazing. My favorite DC show I've ever watched. I like the progression on the island his progression as a character.

That said, after daredevil came out, I was blown away. That was really great tv.

I'm not a fan of Gotham. Too slow and I could care less without the superheroes. I like superheroes and they exist is very artificial worlds. If I'm going to watch a grity nonsuperhero show, I'll watch something like breaking bad.

As far as chuck, seasons 1 through3 were awesome. 4 and 5 mediocre to bad.

It crowd is one of my favorite shows.
Tallima: Arrow, in my opinion, was amazing.
Oh. Uhm... ok. Nevermind then. I'm definately not the person you should listen to, if that's the case.

OneFiercePuppy: For that, I'd recommend The Shannara Chronicles (which, for an MTV series, I found surprisingly good).
DaCostaBR: Shannara Chronicles? Never heard of it. Lots of melodrama in it?
Too much. It's an interesting world, and has some good actors in it (in supporting roles), but it gets bogged down in the teen drama stuff way too much, and the actors playing the main characters are pretty bad. I got through the first season purely because that kind of fantasy is rather rare on TV, so at least it felt different, but I can't really defend it, not to mention recommend. If it ditched the soap opera and embraced the high fantasy epic it could be reall good, but I don't think that's where they'll go.
Post edited October 08, 2016 by Breja
Breja: I can't really defend it, not to mention recommend.
Note that I recommended it solely for "20min of people staring longingly into each other's eyes for every 5min of cool superhero stuff"

The best I could say was that it was surprisingly good for an MTV series. That shouldn't come across as a recommendation XD
OneFiercePuppy: The best I could say was that it was surprisingly good for an MTV series. That shouldn't come across as a recommendation XD
I can agree with that. I chcecked it out expecting it to be a total train wreck, and I ended up watching the enitre first season. That's something, even if I'm not going to watch the second.
Post edited October 08, 2016 by Breja
I've enjoyed arrow and flash at first. but I find it becoming repetitive. Too many anti, alt and multi verse flashes. Reminds me of the superman series TV shows that only thing that you see is kryptonite tool being used to endlessly stop superman. No aliens no imagination... Worst part I hate watching TV shows because first season seems really good then the writing and direction looses steam as each season progresses. I don't know if its money issues. Or changed writers.. or lost interest.. Or a lost sense of direction? But damn end the show if you can't make it new.
DaCostaBR: Is it still worth watching Flash if I never bothered to finish the first season of Arrow?

It was okay, but I'm not a fan of the half episodic/half serialized style of storytelling you see in 99% of shows, I feel like you just end up with two weak and inane stories instead of one good one. I prefer full serialized like The Wire or full episodic like Law and Order (the original).

But Flash at least sounds more interesting, with King Shark, Gorilla Grodd, Mark Hamill's Trickster, etc. Is it the same thing? Will I get 20min of people staring longingly into each other's eyes for every 5min of cool superhero stuff?
Heh, you stoped watching Arrow before it got better! The teen drama/romance stuff still permeated a lot of the episodes, but at least the hero fights and villains got a lot better! Deathstroke was pretty Cool and when the Flash started they greatly embrace the comic Book natureza of the show.

If you have a vague knowledge of comics I Guess you can watch Flash without missing much, but I would recommend to give it another try.