Posted November 23, 2018

jack and coke plz
Registered: Dec 2012
From United States

Grey Havens
Registered: Jan 2010
From South Africa

New User
Registered: Nov 2008
From Italy
Posted November 26, 2018
high rated
"Was", exactly.
I'm currently downloading all my games installers from my library (had to buy a new external HDD >_<), because - seeing where things are going - I'm pretty fucking sure they'll make galaxy mandatory sooner or later.
Anyway, I want to point out that, as you can see, complaining on the forums and argumenting critiques is absolutely useless. You want to show them you don't like the new direction? Then do what I'm doing and stop buying. Even sales. Because the only vote that counts is the vote casted with your wallet.
I'm currently downloading all my games installers from my library (had to buy a new external HDD >_<), because - seeing where things are going - I'm pretty fucking sure they'll make galaxy mandatory sooner or later.
Anyway, I want to point out that, as you can see, complaining on the forums and argumenting critiques is absolutely useless. You want to show them you don't like the new direction? Then do what I'm doing and stop buying. Even sales. Because the only vote that counts is the vote casted with your wallet.
Post edited November 26, 2018 by Fuz

I'm back!
Registered: Apr 2012
From China, People's Republic of
Posted November 26, 2018
high rated

Come Cyberpunk 2077, we'll all gonna get a big fat DRM dildo shoved up our collective ass. Mark my words. They won't call it DRM of course, they'll give it some weaselly spin and call it "customer protection" or something along those lines.
CD Projekt's games have always been at the forefront of eroding gog's values - be it regional pricing, geolocking or introducing microtransactions. DRM is the next step, if only for the fact there are no other values left to violate.

Bring the GOG-Downloader back!
Registered: Apr 2011
From Germany
Posted November 26, 2018
high rated

Come Cyberpunk 2077, we'll all gonna get a big fat DRM dildo shoved up our collective ass. Mark my words. They won't call it DRM of course, they'll give it some weaselly spin and call it "customer protection" or something along those lines.
CD Projekt's games have always been at the forefront of eroding gog's values - be it regional pricing, geolocking or introducing microtransactions. DRM is the next step, if only for the fact there are no other values left to violate.
But if GOG go that last step and have DRM on Cyberpunk, I won't buy that game or any other game on GOG ever again. ... And I hope that the DRM-hating community is still a big enough minority that GOG fears the repercussion and releases CP2077 without DRM. As they say: hope dies last.

Akash of Vishnu
Registered: Oct 2014
From Other
Posted November 26, 2018
low rated
I like the "new" GOG.
Auto-vid is helpful; quick peek how the game looks, if I like what I see then I read about it and if I like what I read I buy. :)
Auto-vid is helpful; quick peek how the game looks, if I like what I see then I read about it and if I like what I read I buy. :)

The Reluctant Voter
Registered: Sep 2011
From Vatican City
Posted November 26, 2018
high rated
It's been like this for the past few years now. As I've said, making some noise on their social platforms may have yielded a public acknowledgement/response at least.
Seeing that not even the format of the latest big sale was changed/adjusted, I'd have to say that not a lot of voting with one's wallet is being done. Comments suggest that people have opted to partake in the sale using their wishlists instead. Which, as a side-effect of the revamp, is still equally welcomed by GOG - increase the use of a site feature while the money still rolls in.
Seeing that not even the format of the latest big sale was changed/adjusted, I'd have to say that not a lot of voting with one's wallet is being done. Comments suggest that people have opted to partake in the sale using their wishlists instead. Which, as a side-effect of the revamp, is still equally welcomed by GOG - increase the use of a site feature while the money still rolls in.

New User
Registered: Jul 2011
From United States
Posted November 29, 2018
high rated
I literally have left for more than a month in the hope that ongoing discussion and reception thereof would have yielded great results. I've stopped back in today to find the following:
-website barely loading at all on (an admittedly old version of) firefox: panel switchers don't function, many panels are blank, functionality basically broken in too many ways to list. This is on my game machine, where I actually need it to work, unfortunately
-on work PC (chrome), the site loads fully, or at least I'm assuming it does -- there are still weird blank spaces on front page/entire sections of the layout that lack any wording at all -- and it is so horribly bogged down that I've been trying to check out just the front page for more than half an hour. Accidentally hover over a panel? A video queues up, shuffling system resources around, chug chug chug. On the front page, a total of two panels didn't load at all. Trying to shuffle through images actually bogged it down for some reason(!), so I opened my selection (phoning home) in a new tab. Ten minutes later, that separate tab is STILL loading.
Honestly, wtf has happened here? The new website is awful. It caters to the trend of throwing endless pages of images in people's faces. Gone is the largely text-based format that spoke of sophistication, because the users are, y'know, kinda smart, by and large.
C'mon gog, you're better than this.
/wasted words
-website barely loading at all on (an admittedly old version of) firefox: panel switchers don't function, many panels are blank, functionality basically broken in too many ways to list. This is on my game machine, where I actually need it to work, unfortunately
-on work PC (chrome), the site loads fully, or at least I'm assuming it does -- there are still weird blank spaces on front page/entire sections of the layout that lack any wording at all -- and it is so horribly bogged down that I've been trying to check out just the front page for more than half an hour. Accidentally hover over a panel? A video queues up, shuffling system resources around, chug chug chug. On the front page, a total of two panels didn't load at all. Trying to shuffle through images actually bogged it down for some reason(!), so I opened my selection (phoning home) in a new tab. Ten minutes later, that separate tab is STILL loading.
Honestly, wtf has happened here? The new website is awful. It caters to the trend of throwing endless pages of images in people's faces. Gone is the largely text-based format that spoke of sophistication, because the users are, y'know, kinda smart, by and large.
C'mon gog, you're better than this.
/wasted words

Asuka Tanaka
Registered: Nov 2011
From Taiwan
Posted November 29, 2018

New User
Registered: Oct 2010
From Hungary
Posted December 10, 2018
What is this (new) bastard GUI?
I can not find the (real) old games!
Where is GOGMix (tags)!
But I loved you long ago!
I can not find the (real) old games!
Where is GOGMix (tags)!
But I loved you long ago!

New User
Registered: Jul 2010
From Germany
Posted December 10, 2018
The difference to the past is that in the past they said that they had their top men working on it (and did nothing for a long time) while now they just don't do anything about it for a long time. Not sure it's a big difference.

That PR Guy Team
Registered: Oct 2011
From Poland

Lesser Blight Elemental
New User
Registered: Jun 2014
From Other
Posted December 11, 2018

First, let me apologize all of you who spend time and effort to provide feedback regarding the website redesign we’ve launched for GOG.COM’s 10th anniversary celebrations, but were left without any reply from our side. This is not how this should look and work. You are an important part of the community built around GOG, one that is very vocal about everything we do, and one that cares about GOG. We really appreciate it, and this post is the first step we’re taking to fix communication with you.
While we didn’t communicate with you properly on the subject of the redesign, I’d like to let you know we’ve been reading and listening to your feedback from day one. As soon as you started sharing your thoughts, our design team was gathering the feedback and bouncing back ideas and solutions between themselves. They are constantly working on making the experience better, be it by fixing bugs or working on bigger changes that will go live this month and further on. Again, we failed at communicating that to you, and sorry about it, but we’re working on making things better, it just requires time and resources.
Third, I’d like especially thank a few community members who were very helpful to other users during the last few bigger sales, like Halloween and Black Friday. They have provided much help and guidance to users who felt lost, as well as provided some solutions that are missing from current promo layout. Thank you, this proves how great the community here is to each other.
As for some details what’s ahead of us – you know you can expect one more major sale on GOG.COM by this year’s end. A big part of the work of our design and development teams was devoted to making it great, so expect improvements from the sales mentioned above, like front page featuring, better recommendations and more – I don’t want to spoil too much, you'll see it for yourself soon. Some things probably won’t be ready for Winter Sale, but they will still come.
In this thread, as well as in others, you’ve been asking for changes, fixes or features. I’d like to address some of the feedback, just to kick-start the conversation, so I do encourage you to ask your questions and we’ll try our best to give you answers. One thing I’d also like you to keep in mind is that while we listen to your feedback and try to improve the general experience, some things will be changed but some will remain as they are, to make it best for as many gamers as possible.
Lack of GOGMixes
There are a few reasons why we’ve decided to remove GOGMixes. They were introduced back in 2010 and were never updated, which made the whole feature outdated. This also caused some issues with GOGMixes working properly with the new website. Other than that, through the years we've neglected GOGMixes and their moderation, which resulted in a huge amount of "spam" mixes.
We have plans how to improve games discoverability on GOG, so rest assured this will be addressed. As for GOGMixes, at this time I cannot commit to anything if they will be back this way or another. The topic will definitely be brought back to the discussion.
Site not working on old browser versions
As much as we’d like to, it’s impossible for us to keep support for all old versions of popular browsers. There is a reason why browsers are being updated by their creators (mainly being security reasons), and our main goal is to keep the site up to date with the latest versions.
And when it comes to IE support, due to the amount of work needed to support the website under IE combined with a very low margin of users, we decided to drop IE11 support entirely.
Filtering and sorting options lacking in the catalog
This is something we’re very well aware of, and we’re working on fixing those issues, like price sorting, discount sorting or list view. These are things that are next on the priority list after the sales featuring on the front page.
News section at the bottom of the front page
We hear you, and we have at least a couple ideas how to address that. Since no solution has been chosen yet, let me keep it like that for now, and I’ll be more than happy to tell more once we have things moving.
Once again, thank you for your feedback. And let’s keep the discussion rolling.

Registered: Sep 2008
From Poland
Posted December 11, 2018
I'll wait and see. But thank you for finally talking to us.

Asuka Tanaka
Registered: Nov 2011
From Taiwan