My opinion would be to not even bother with it. It is a solid remaster overall, and can feel sort of "fresh" temporarily because of that, but the game is still very dated and feels that way. If you've spent any time with Diablo 3, Grim Dawn, or other more modern games in the genre then D2R is just going to feel like dog shit to play.
There was some information that came out that suggested that a "hotbar" might be coming for KB/m configurations (controller already has it), which would make the gameplay far better with a skill hotbar and "quick casting", but right now it just feels clunky and dated.
Even if they fix that it's still D2 and it's not a very good game by modern standards. It doesn't respec your time at all, it still has bots spamming nonstop in the lobby, and every other complaint you could think of.
This was basically a "distraction" release at a convenient time for Blizzard, because D4 and OW2 are in development hell and losing key team members left and right, and we all know the other issues with Blizzard...
Just my opinion, but you're better off spending your money elsewhere. Like buying some new games here on GOG or something.
Ancient-Red-Dragon: It
already isn't faithful at all to the original, but rather it's retconned woke SJW propaganda, just like all other modern Blizzard games.
Hey ARD,
Not sure why you were downvoted here, I guess this is typical GOG kiddie behavior when they see a post they don't like or agree with... But you're right on the money with that statement. D2R is censored to hell and back and there's many instances where you can switch back on forth between Remaster and Legacy graphics to see it right for yourself.
It should be obvious to anyone when they intentionally made the characters ugly (the Amazon was so manly looking and the fan complaints were so bad that they did go back and try to fix it a tiny bit), they race swapped a character, outfits were censored, nudity and other instances of violence / dead bodies were removed or censored, and probably many more things that I can't even remember right now or even know about.
I'm not sure what the reason for all this was, but it certainly wasn't a remaster for the fans. It's actually an insult to the fine people who actually worked on the game originally, and Mark Kern has talked about a lot of that in the past.
Blizzard is even actively scrubbing WoW of anything that is problematic or not "woke" enough. They're removing cleavage or anything remotely sexual from characters, paintings in game that were too suggestive have been removed or remade, and all sorts of other nonsense.
This goes back long before anything recent also. They censored Sylvanas back in the day, Hearthstone cards were censored after the fact, they censored stuff in Diablo 3, we already know how trash Overwatch is. Honestly, the only decent game they have is Heroes of the Storm, and that game is in maintenence mode / dead because it was late to the party and could never compete with two established juggernaughts in LoL and DotA.