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The $300,000 is probably what they would hope to get, in the best case scenario.
I've heard of other developers using kickstarters in this way.

So not reaching this goal does not necessarily mean the game will not be made, it simply means their budget for the game would be lower, they would have less money to move around with.

The first AI War game was made with much less funding. According to this article by PC Gamer it cost Arcen $150,000 to make the first AI War game. So I reason you can make another game like that for less than $300k. It's just that the extra money would pay for prettier graphics and perhaps some extra game modes.
Post edited October 13, 2016 by Ricky_Bobby
Ricky_Bobby: snip
You did read the small print, right?

Quote from the link above: "This project will only be funded if at least $299,400 is pledged by Thu, Nov 10 2016 5:03 PM CEST. "

Which means if they do NOT reach this sum, they will never get the money AFAIK. (IF you have other info, please let me/us know ;) )
Overload was funded at about the same rate, with the same goal. It didn't look so good for a while there...

BoxOfSnoo: Overload was funded at about the same rate, with the same goal. It didn't look so good for a while there...

The playable teaser turned the tide.
skeletonbow: Without knowing much about the game itself, I'm inclined to think they're going to make their target just based on the math. :)
That math is not taking into account the fact that, if the project has not reached bigger numbers by now, the probability of getting those backers later is very small (and those new backers will probably donate less than the current average). As some have said, the first days are really that important.

SideKick, a predictor based on solid math, says that is slightly more likely that the project will fail.
PaterAlf: They want $300,000? That's quite ambitious. Hope they realized that the golden Kickstarter times are already over. Wish them good luck though. I liked their games that I've played in the past.
mistermumbles: Frankly, I think it's their last push before they go under. Their string of questionable development choices they've made recently got them to this point.
I think he expanded the company too early, taking on too many people, with the costs almost sinking the business.
These kind of games can only support a tiny team, unless they are lucky and make it big with the mainstream.

Also, experimenting with a new genre just as you're on the verge of becoming well established in another one is a huge gamble, it's very easy to loose existing customers that way. Personally I like their later games as well, but I can fully understand people being disappointed with them, wishing for a new strategy game instead.

Ricky_Bobby: snip
Goodaltgamer: You did read the small print, right?

Quote from the link above: "This project will only be funded if at least $299,400 is pledged by Thu, Nov 10 2016 5:03 PM CEST. "

Which means if they do NOT reach this sum, they will never get the money AFAIK. (IF you have other info, please let me/us know ;) )
That is an automatic imprint by the website, it says the same thing on all Kickstarter projects.
Post edited October 13, 2016 by Ricky_Bobby
Ricky_Bobby: That is an automatic imprint by the website, it says the same thing on all Kickstarter projects.
But does it not imply that they will not get any money, if they stay below this sum, which contradicts what you mentioned earlier, or? (running with a lower sum)
Ricky_Bobby: That is an automatic imprint by the website, it says the same thing on all Kickstarter projects.
Goodaltgamer: But does it not imply that they will not get any money, if they stay below this sum, which contradicts what you mentioned earlier, or? (running with a lower sum)
Crap you are right, I forgot Kickstarter adopted a "all-or-nothing" funding model, my bad, you are correct of-course.
Post edited October 13, 2016 by Ricky_Bobby
Ricky_Bobby: Crap you are right, I forgot Kickstarter adopted a "all-or-nothing" funding model, my bad, you are correct of-course.
Just wanted to double check, as certain things are changing quickly and in secret
(and as I heard simiar things before) ;)
Ricky_Bobby: Crap you are right, I forgot Kickstarter adopted a "all-or-nothing" funding model, my bad, you are correct of-course.
Goodaltgamer: Just wanted to double check, as certain things are changing quickly and in secret
(and as I heard simiar things before) ;)
I must have confused it with Indiegogo or something else. In that case $300,000 does sound a bit steep for a new AI War 2 game, but you never really know with these crowdfunding projects; games you never thought would make it somehow manage to.
Post edited October 13, 2016 by Ricky_Bobby
Ricky_Bobby: I must have confused it with Indiegogo or something else. In that case $300,000 does sound a bit steep for a new AI War 2 game, but you never really know with these crowdfunding projects; games you never thought would make it somehow manage to.
You mean like this:


*running away*
Fairfox: I wish thar be an OST pledge level. <3 teh original's soundtrack so. much.
There is. Every pledge starting at <span class="bold">100$ includes the soundtrack</span> made by Pablo Vega for Ai War 2. They added soundtrack after the fans requested it but Kickstarter doesn't allow them to change the description post launch. They added data about it in the faq at the end of the kickstarter and in to update 1.

As for the original soundtrack. You can get it here (5$):

Otherwise there is a new update about the new playable races: Zenith and the Spire.
Post edited October 16, 2016 by Matruchus