GR00T: Okay, that's wierd. I've modded all of those games on Win7 64 bit Professional and they all work. But I'm not using Galaxy. I've also installed tehm outside of Programs and/or Programs(x86). I have them installed on a completely different drive than C, actually. Perhaps it's something to do with permissions?
JackalJohnson: The problem starts when I install mods but I've always used these mods and I've never had a problem before till. I used a bunch of other fixes and tweaks on Planescape and that works fine now but I used to use the one from The Gibberlings 3 site and then it goes all down hill from there.
I'm wondering if the games are no longer compatible with the mods from The Gibberlings 3?
Clarify the following:
What is the base game and version.
Install this in a folder outside windows folders.
Run it, does it run fine?
Choose a mod, specify name of mod and version, and install it.
What is the output from adding the mod and does the game run then?
Once you have isolated a base game + mod which causes this issue then we can recreate it and see what is happening. Currently, you seem to already have a modded game so there could be any conflicts and such like.