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Happy Birthday!

Here are a few of my recommendations:
Blade Runner,
Gabriel Knight: Sins of the Father,
Day of the Tentacle( you can also play the first game, Maniac Mansion if you access a computer)
Toonstruck ( Christopher Lloyd is in it, also known as that guy who played Doc Brown in that small movie Back to the Future)
and last but not least, The Longest Journey. Better than Grim Fandago in every way ( at least for me)

Also, NOT IN!
Post edited May 27, 2016 by Rievier
Happy (early) birthday mate! I wish you all the best! ;)

I'm in! As for my recommendations, while my list is short, I'm highly recommending all of them:

• Technobabylon: Great game, great characters, great technical dpt (graphics, music, voice acting) and I found it to be fairly easy although I heard many people find the puzzles hard. Truly a masterpiece, I really enjoyed it. Basically, check out everything from Wadjet Eye; the last WE game I finished was the Blackwell series and it was exceptional all the way from start to finish.
• Since you're going through the classic point & clicks, I guess you already played Fate of Atlantis. If not, don't miss it as it is a great & funny game.
• From your avatar I see you already love Syberia so no reason to recommend it.
• Machinarium: Very lovely game, you shouldn't miss it. Amanita makes great games so you shouldn't miss the Samorosts too and while I haven't played Samorost 3 yet, reviewers praise it so I guess it's a good choice if you like the first two.

WOW! I better get busy playing more games. Thanks for all the responses, keep them coming.
Happy birthday fellow point'n'clicker!
I was browsing trough recommendations and (to my surprise) I have not came across games from Project Journeyman trilogy.

I strongly recommend starting with Buried in Time (in my opinion the best) part of the series. Even though this is the 2nd in a series, you don't need to play the first game to enjoy its sequel. The game has high production values (detailed story, professional voice acting, beautiful music and even graphics that stood the test of time) but - what is most important- interesting and well thought puzzles that will require you to combine items from different eras.
In the first 2 games your character can die but it is nearly always well indicated when you are in danger.

As far as giveaway goes, please count me in andmagain, happy birthday.

Link to the game:
Post edited May 27, 2016 by Sulibor
I'll save the wishes for Monday, if that's ok with you.

To add to the many great suggestions, and since you're into "classics", you may be interested in Innocent Until Caught and its sequel Guilty. I played them way back in the day, and they were good fun, still have my floppy disks. In the sequel you can play as either of the two characters, and while the story and locations are the same, the puzzles differ.

As far as I know they're not available as a digital purchase anywhere, but you may have some luck trying the links on their respective MobyGames pages.

I wish they'd be released here, but it looks pretty unlikely. Still, if anyone wants to vote, [url=]are the wishlist entries for them.

Not in.
Happy birthday! Not in, still I'd recommend looking at Stupid Invaders. Very funny, a bit short though. Here's the wishlist to hurl your vote at.
Wow, they say the genre is dead, and this thread made me realize I still have a load of stuff I've always known about but never had the opportunity to play.

onarliog: Just came to say that scientists recently proved that "The Longest Journey" is the game that will rule the genre, forever.
zeogold: You, good sir, have obviously never played Grim Fandango.
He he, you are right, if I had to pick a runner up that'd be Grim Fandango.

The longest journey, though... Yes, it has great puzzles, a very interesting setting and story; won't spoil anything for others. But to me it redefines the point & click narrative, I have truly never seen anything like how everything you experience during that "long" journey comes together with the game's conclusion. Seriously, what do you call this game's high point? It is not a climax, and it's not an anti-climax either. The game defines its own narrative device. It is beautiful and powerful, and also very, very taxing on the player. A unique experience.

Wow, I did manage to keep the above spoiler free, but now it reads completely vague and pretentious :)

Anyway, can't say the same for the sequels. They are "simply" games with great stories. Thankfully, The Longest Journey is pretty much stand alone.
Hey an early Happy Birthday!

Guess most of the games where already kinda mentioned but still here is something like my personal top 7?:

Day of the Tentacle
Broken Sword
Indiana Jones Fate of Atlantis
Monkey Island 2
Grim Fandango
Blade Runner
The Longest Journey

And ya count me in the Giveaway and have a great day on Monday!
I'd like to be in. They don't sell it but if you get copies of discworlds those are good.
Happy birthday 51nikopol! Thank you for the giveaway, I'm in.

Gabriel Knight 2: The Beast Within is a game I cannot recommend enough. And since I haven't seen anyone mention it here yet, Ceville is a fun little romp.
Happy Birthday 51nikopol:)

Not in, but don't forget the Broken sword series, they are up there with the Longest Journey saga.
Happy Birthday!

I'm not in -not that I can be haha- ! I'm not sure if you want games that are only on GoG but

A few I would recommend:

The Longest Journey series.
Sam and Max
Full Throttle
Monkey Islands

Blazing Dragons -for the Saturn or PS ,if you don't mind emulating-
Snatcher -consoles- I don't think there was much pointing and clicking though.

I also do a lot of pointing n clicking on games like Quake, Rainbow Six, Starcraft, and Diablo ;).
I'm in!

I was going to recommend my favorite point & click adventure series Syberia, but by looking at your avatar I assume you have already played that one ;)

However, I'm also looking forward to Syberia 3! :D
Post edited May 28, 2016 by Prah
I'm in. Happy birthday!

Since you're making your way through classics, my recommendation is to play all the games of Sierra / Lucas Arts gems, particularly Monkey Island series, Indiana Jones and the Fate of Atlantis, Police Quest series, Leisure Suit Larry series... You can't go wrong with them!
Happy birthday, of course!

I'd like to say I'M IN and I suggest the various (originally Sierra branded) King's Quest & Space Quest games. If you can't handle the extremely dated graphics (or the text input) of the originals from the 80s, you can always find some really cool point-n-click remakes with updated graphics.